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  1. manek

    Asian hornets

    Looks ingenious - well done! However, can it prevent hornets grabbing incoming foragers on the wing, which is the Asian hornet's usual MO?
  2. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    . . . And less than three days later, they'd moved the lot downstairs, so I gave them another, similar amount. Lots of orienting and pollen at the entrance, so looks like they've accepted their new location.
  3. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Took a newly bought colony (BB+super) from another beek in the Division back to the apiary. Nadired the super and whacked a load of 2:1 syrup in a full-frame feeder on top - they had precious little stores in the BB. Looking forward to seeing how they do in a few days's time - it was nearly...
  4. manek

    Wax Moth Treatment

    Or buy some 99% acetic acid. Pour it onto a wad of kitchen towels, lay it out over the top, let the fumes deal with them. It's nasty stuff though: wear gloves at least.
  5. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Cleared the bees out of the two remainiing supers, removed capped frmaes for extraction. Put remaining frames into one super, nadired it. Did final inspection of the year (unless something goes horribly wrong), hive chocka-block full of docile bees, eight frames of brood, mostly capped but BIAS...
  6. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Pulled four supers off yesterday, stuck them on my home-made warming cabinet, extracted this morning/afternoon.
  7. manek

    Moving super frames

    They're a bit sticky - but how often do you need to remove them? Not nearly as much as brood frames (I'm on Hoffmans there). And Manleys allow a straight uncapping cut with a bread knife across the frame. Worth the hassle from my pov - but I get that not everyone likes them.
  8. manek

    Moving super frames

    Ah yes, thanks, been a while since I had to buy any, they get re-used over and over again. Anyway, they're nice and wide, give ten frames per super, and plenty of honey!
  9. manek

    Moving super frames

    Manley frames are what you want (can't remember the type number: SN1??).
  10. manek

    Re-hiving a cast

    My concern was that disturbing a virgin queen, possibly before she's mated, might cause either her to be rejected or absconding. So waiting until she's mated might be best.
  11. manek

    Re-hiving a cast

    I captured a medium-sized cast (definitely a cast before you ask, as I know what happened) a week ago into a nuc with a combination of drawn comb and foundation. Left it a few days then added a full rapid feeder (about a litre or so), which has almost all gone after just three days. As it's a...
  12. manek

    New suit needed

    Happy with my Sentinel II from Old Castle Farm.
  13. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked the split colony - Q + 2 frames of bees/brood - for food. Plenty still in the feeder. Fresh eggs in the comb, all looks OK. Source colony obviously still queenless but loads of bees and honey - had to add a second super afterwards too - so I shook a couple of cups of bees into a mini...
  14. manek

    Your glove of choice!

    I use Marigolds (sweaty!) with nitriles over the top. Chuck the nitriles after each inspection and I don't have to wash the Marigolds. Also a small increase in sting protection: the barb usually doesn't stick.
  15. manek

    Keeping supers on all year

    Yes, I do this, have done this and last winter, no problems.
  16. manek

    What would you do... no brood?

    I had a similar experience: one queenless colony, two queen-right. So yesterday I united the queenless colony with a queen-right colony. No drones around so the alternative was to watch them die.
  17. manek

    Beetight app for Android

    Same here. Beetight is fine for a handful of hives - the max is I think six - but $15 a year is a bit steep for the Pro upgrade. All I lose by not upgrading is the ability to enter records using the app but I can do that when I get home on the computer. And yes, it's still asking for money...
  18. manek

    Attracting swarms - what are the odds?

    Where does one get lemongrass? Seems you can only buy ridiculously tiny vials for ridiculously high prices and that's it. Or do you not need much?
  19. manek

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Quick check on Saturday: all hives upright, no sign of toppling, thankfully they're by a hedge which breaks the wind. Fondant levels good, bees still buzzing inside (ear against the box - though I've just acquired a stethoscope for this purpose).
  20. manek

    Heated uncapping knife

    I bought a heated knife. Waste of money: I can uncap just as well with a serrated bread knife.