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  1. manek

    bought a new oz armour suit

    Have to say, my OCF Sentinel II is five years old now and despite numerous external rips from brambles, it's held up well and keeps the bees out. I'd wish though that it had a full length leg zip and underfoot elastic.
  2. manek


    I thought that too. In practice, it ain't necessarily so...
  3. manek


    There's an arm attached to the circular main frame. To the arm is attached a wire cage within which the frames are enclosed, and which can be rotated through 180 degrees. This means you can rotate the frames without having to remove them each time. Saves time and much stickiness...
  4. manek


    I've not found this an issue: the honey all comes out. The swing cage take eight super frames max, so it's not that big but even so I've never found the need to spin it at max revolutions. I got it up to about 2/3 speed once, it was the first time I used it. Being tangential, I blew out the...
  5. manek


    I have one of these. The swing cage takes half the number of brood frames.
  6. manek

    Selling, we are doing it wrong.

    Certainly is: the adjective overload nails it as such.
  7. manek

    New Beekeeping Vehicle Must Have

    I didn't pay that much when I bought mine - a 1978 model) three years ago. But then, they're not making them any more...
  8. manek

    New Beekeeping Vehicle Must Have

    My 2CV van (AK400) works for me. Mine has done sterling service shuttling between workshop to apiaries carrying everything I might need.
  9. manek

    How long would you drive to an out apiary

    My furthest apiary is 30 minutes away and sometimes it is a pain to visit the (now) two (was four) hives there. But it's a personal thing too as the field's owner is a friend so there's some compensation... Maybe you could build that relationship?
  10. manek

    Beetight is closing down

    What is Numbers?
  11. manek

    Beetight is closing down

    Whatever. I wouldn't expect everyone to use the same system. Beetight has worked for me for the last 9 years, so I'm now pondering my options.
  12. manek

    Beetight is closing down

    It is/was an online beekeeping recording service. I've been using it for years and have been quite happy with it. So now beetight is closing, I'm exploring building my own system. It might prove beyind my limited technical skills but it'll be an interesting experiment,
  13. manek

    Beetight is closing down Can't say I feel happy but I understand the reason.
  14. manek

    what's that smell

    Definitely smells like bananas to me. Always the time to close up and walk away....
  15. manek

    Beetight fixed

    I was about to abandon Beetight as my record keeping software, as the developer, Matt Kane, once if this parish, seemed to have abandoned it. But no! Eventually, after a couple of unresponded emails, I heard from him today, and he's fixed the bugs that had begun to get on my wick. So he's...
  16. manek

    Windbreak netting distance & height

    Yes, I always leave them a nadired super. Starvation wasn't wot done it.
  17. manek

    Windbreak netting distance & height

    Checking out the heinous crimes list? I don't open live hives in winter. I opened them up when I found they had stopped eating the fondant, and after I had determined - ear to the hive, knocking on the side, and using a stethoscope - that there was no life inside.
  18. manek

    Windbreak netting distance & height

    Mine were all wooden Nationals on OMFs, all roof insulated with 50mm of Celotex - same as my other apiary's hives which survived and thrive. As for what actually killed the colonies, can't say I'm absolutely clear about the mechanism but I am fairly confident that environmental factors were at...
  19. manek

    Windbreak netting distance & height

  20. manek

    Windbreak netting distance & height

    Symptoms? They were feeding on fondant until mid-December. Then early January I found a small huddle of dead bees on the brood frames, a few on the floor. No heads in cells. No varroa frass. Even the 14x12 which had been bursting with bees in the summer succumbed, despite having two supers...