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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. borderer

    Bees in Schools

    Early in 2010 my sons' school approached the local association with a view to starting a bee project at the school. This would be part of the internationally recognised ecology project that the school has been running within its Eco centre for the last four years. After some discussion two...
  2. borderer

    Keswick Bees

    While at work today I had a quick look at the 2 hives I have in the wilderness area, which is part of my employers commitment to the environment. The company had an environmental audit recently and the person conducting the audit was both pleased and impressed that space had been for honey bees...
  3. borderer

    Keswick Bees

    The Keswick association was given 8 colonies by a beekeeper who was retiring. They proved to be a mixed blessing, being quite agressive to the point where of being unmanagable. In the end we decided to requeen them. It would seem that this had the desired affect with things being much calmer...
  4. borderer

    Do dead bees attract trouble?

    I try give the bees a bit of help by cleaning dead bees off the landing boards and making sure the entrance is clear. I also sweep bees off the concrete slab infront of each hive, otherwise it is down to nature. I agree that it is important to remove old wax etc
  5. borderer

    elf and safety

    Our association was asked to provide two colonies of bees for an ecology project involving a wild flower medow at the secondary school were my kids go. Prior to the arrival of the bees the county required the school to carry out a risk assessment and to write to all the parents asking for...
  6. borderer

    bookers sugar

    I stand corrected. Regards Borderer
  7. borderer

    bookers sugar

    Sugar is treated like bread, milk and bananas by food retailers. So it is often found in stores at prices which are less than wholesale prices. Prices also vary seasonly depending on supply. Bookers have an agreement wiht the BBKA whick allows members to access Booker Cash and Carry on...
  8. borderer

    Wax Steam Extractor

    I made my own using a cheap wallpaper stripper from on of the discount stores. I followed a design from Graham Royle with some slight variations. I used an old brood box added a metal flloor and used a crown board for a lid. It was crude but very effective. The two things I learned were don't...
  9. borderer

    bookers sugar

    Hi Lauri When I bought some in July it was £13.69/25kg but sugar prices can fluctuate a lot regards Borderer
  10. borderer

    what to feed bees low on food

    PH Thank you for your words of wisdom as I said in my earlier contribution joining weak colonies together does not improve the chances of survival for the reasons you have stated. Borderer
  11. borderer

    what to feed bees low on food

    In my limited experience combining two weak colonies leaves you with a weak colony.
  12. borderer

    Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

    Yes it has become a significant autumn crop