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  1. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Another swarm to collect today, at the local Dr's surgery.
  2. Fellstoflats


    Highly tempting, but another 3hr round trip for me.. Anyone know of any auctions closer to Oxfordshire? 😂
  3. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Once again, I'm playing catch up with kit. Machined up the timber for two brood boxes this evening, ready to assemble tomorrow evening. Also assembled my new to me Kielers, having bleached and scorched them yesterday.
  4. Fellstoflats

    1st caught swarm of the year

    I've been slow to get mine out, but the two that are up haven't seen any activity yet.. we're due another few wet days here after highs of 18 today, so I'll run round then 🤞
  5. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Popped into my home apiary to heft the hives, and check on the 3 nucs I'd made up- everything had been going great guns, but I was begining to worry about the hives and their store levels. Rounded the corner to a cloud of bees, bivouacking in the hedge.. Now the status of my colonies at this...
  6. Fellstoflats

    WSBKA Auction 2024

    The amount of rain we had, they'd become moist towelettes..
  7. Fellstoflats

    WSBKA Auction 2024

    That poor bugger was me! Hats off to the steward that lumped the sodden pile to the nearest recycling bin, despite my protestations that I could do it myself! 3 Kielers for £5 was probably my best buy. The next guy got 4 for £4 though.. Few other handy bits picked up. I gave up at 5pm, as...
  8. Fellstoflats

    WSBKA Auction 2024

    I'll be going- I assume weather has no bearing on whether it goes ahead or not?
  9. Fellstoflats

    WSBKA Auction 2024

    Although, having said that, every time I bother to take a trailer to auction, I never buy a thing.
  10. Fellstoflats

    WSBKA Auction 2024

    Is it odd that I've been looking forward to this coming online since the 18th? 🤣 Think I'll down tools until the weekend, and bring a trailer just in case- better safe than sorry..
  11. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Made up an introductory nuc for the queen very kindly sent to me by @Sutty - a lovely looking queen, so I'm excited to see how she'll perform. Inspected two other colonies that I took pre-emptive swarm control on, and tore down all QCs bar one in each. Bees didn't take it well, but the coming...
  12. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    As this will be the first time I actually manage to attend, (despite several years of good intentions) I'm looking forward to the length and tediousness! 🤣
  13. Fellstoflats

    Sold Free queen

    Is your queen still available Sutty?
  14. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Hi Neil- do you happen to have plans for these, or a separate thread? I watched the lecture with interest (thanks for links both) and think I'll knock a few up. They look like 4 frame nucs to me, but appearances can be deceiving! Thanks Jason
  15. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I see today that they're now at capacity for lots- should be a good day!
  16. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    What's going on here, may I ask? Very intrigued!
  17. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Another chance to get into hives, a day earlier than necessary, but needs must. One hive steadfastly refusing to work their super. Super added to another hive. Plenty of play cups with eggs- inspection due Monday!
  18. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    A quiet lambing day, and the best weather for the next few days, meant supers went on hives today, despite the wind. Bees were unimpressed, but needs must.
  19. Fellstoflats

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Finished off another nuc, with UFE, waxed up another super full of frames. Quite nice do do something in the dry, not related to sheep.
  20. Fellstoflats

    Embedding power source?

    Thanks both. An electrician friend ('lighting designer' to his clients) has given me one of these: Should do the job nicely