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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. citrus

    Jar Prices 2024.

    I have been a bit slack on this forum Dani ... was trying to keep a low profile lol !
  2. citrus

    Jar Prices 2024.

    have we a 2024 jar price thread - hobbycraft seems good for the small producer
  3. citrus

    TN27 Tenterden area - any local beekeepers with a head for heights able to help a mate of mine ?

    thanks so get in the loft space and see if there is a new swarm before they start building out tooooo much comb and make it a permanent home ?
  4. citrus

    TN27 Tenterden area - any local beekeepers with a head for heights able to help a mate of mine ?

    A mate of mine has had a swarm enter an old swallows nest in the roof today and wanted some advice so reaching out to any local beekeepers in Tenterden TN27 Kent area. Any suggestions ?
  5. citrus

    swarm control - how long into the summer to watch for qc ?

    I think this is how commercials guys check their hives so quickly - ... go double brood early ... then the check is this tilt procedure ... be ideal with 2 of you ... one to lift the top brood box and one to check ...will have a go next week (not issues on todays morning check) with that...
  6. citrus

    swarm control - how long into the summer to watch for qc ?

    I dont mark my queens and/or find them do run the risk of over inspecting at this part of the year esp if the current queen that over wintered is a supercedure and there i am desperately looking for queen cells which never come ! .... part of the problem with the double brood hive...
  7. citrus

    swarm control - how long into the summer to watch for qc ?

    so normal inspections every 6 days until WHEN ? do you ever say ... "these bees will never swarm this time of the year" (famous last works) .... you say to yourself you have checked for queen cells and swarming evidence all spring/early summer .... at what point do you decide to leave them...
  8. citrus

    spring honey the bestest tasting honey i ever did taste

    thanks Dani - will dig out my tube that i put in the "safe place"
  9. citrus

    storing supers prior to extraction

    thanks all .. I took them off as had 40% foundation less for the cut comb ... but lesson learned
  10. citrus

    spring honey the bestest tasting honey i ever did taste

    Was able to take some supers off a hive that went really well in spring and boy the honey tastes good ..... think its our best ever honey and it has the smell of this cherry bay/Portuguese laurel cherry But we have had a great...
  11. citrus

    storing supers prior to extraction

    prior to extraction i normally store supers in the clean room in the house away from mice and ants but slightly worried about wax moth etc and first time in a while i have had spring honey to extract and it might be a while til i can extract ... have cut the comb out from the foundationless...
  12. citrus

    Raw honey could help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, study finds

    back to the original post ... wish I hadnt used the word "raw" in the subject line (lifted from the article without thought!) and should have gone with the subject of the paper 'Effect of honey on cardiometabolic risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis'
  13. citrus

    Raw honey could help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, study finds

    yeah i had a look on the search on the forum for key words but didnt get any few hits so apologies for the spam ...just wanted to share that i know the author so if any of you folks wanted an intro for research let me know
  14. citrus

    Raw honey could help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels, study finds

    This was published a few months back and just to say that Tauseef Khan is a friend of mine, beekeeper and moved to Canada a while back but is a honey researcher for a living. Anyway good to know that honey is so good for you and always a good selling point :-)...
  15. citrus

    Nadiring poly hives

    did anyone get a good solution to the nadir'ing using paynes hives ? on one hive this year I transferred the frames to a brood box and used that instead ...hope the bees dont make a rats nest when extending the frames - need to be on the ball in spring for that hive dont really want to cut...
  16. citrus

    Too much ivy?

    been a bit lax here ..... and have a question regarding laying room ... I have one super rammed full of ivy bound crystallised on my single brood hives as been a bumper ivy year .... is that .... a) good >>>>>no need to feed and brood box is clear for the winter bees and can just leave the...
  17. citrus

    Bee blower

    interesting reading about how to do a "********" ... just got an electric blower and says it does up to 120mph ! .. boy some of these bees cling on and remain stuck. tried to use it yday and my lunchtime was ... 1. took a few full supers off and blasted most of the bees towards their home...
  18. citrus

    Removing Entrance Block (Entrance Reducer) from the hive

    i was late with my paynes entrance block spinning from the 4 holes to fully open and caused a backlog to go under the hive .... .finally spun it around now but will make a mental note .... but do any of you folks take the whole thing out ...
  19. citrus

    its behind you (said in a panto voice) and the disappearing swarm

    so you could get all the workers using the open broad ...and even if you miss/kill the queen they can generate their own and the nuc has a chance to get 2 for 1 deal then !
  20. citrus

    confused over hive hygiene

    ok thanks for the tip ... will do the smoke trick !