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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. tkwinston4

    Maiden flight

    Not to worry, they just swarmed!! Got em tho.
  2. tkwinston4

    Maiden flight

    Mating or swarming???? I see no one has answered this. I have the same question. Today is day 16; hatch day and there are lots and lots of bees flying everywhere in front of the hive. They aren't going anywhere just hanging around the front. Can i expect a swarm to be leaving or a queen...
  3. tkwinston4

    Cat eating stinging nettle leaves!!

    The way she was chewing them I think she may be a winner!!
  4. tkwinston4

    Cat eating stinging nettle leaves!!

    Never thought of that - cheers plumberman x :sifone:
  5. tkwinston4

    Cat eating stinging nettle leaves!!

    As the title says. My question is: is this normal? Me thinks not!! :smash:
  6. tkwinston4

    bee suits!in the shed or in the house?

    I stand corrected, however I aint gonna let it bother me. I have more to worry about in life than that!
  7. tkwinston4

    Broody chickens

    As per what Frisbee said, just don't let them get comfy. After three days they should be back to normal. We used a wire cat carrier with newspaper and obviously food and water. Left her is full view of her mates so she doesn't get hen pecked when returned but locked her away at night away...
  8. tkwinston4

    bee suits!in the shed or in the house?

    Oh poo - what a load of twaddle!
  9. tkwinston4

    Ants taking eggs

    So we have baking soda and an omelet. Do we wrap the omelet around the legs and throw baking soda at the ants or what? :ack2:
  10. tkwinston4

    bee suits!in the shed or in the house?

    But still no one has answered the question; I am dying to know the answer!
  11. tkwinston4

    cheap solar wax melter

    No picture!
  12. tkwinston4

    Free wild flower seeds to help the bees

    Actually they are excellent for butterfly's and bumbles, so in theory they are good for wildlife and bees!! If you don't like nettles, you would hate my wild area. The nettles are nearly 4ft high now. Had to stamp some down today just to get to the tortoise!! Thanks for the post about the...
  13. tkwinston4


  14. tkwinston4

    newbie who paint as a hobby

  15. tkwinston4

    Colapsible swarm box

    I wouldn't be able to make one but would be interested in buying one at the right price :)
  16. tkwinston4

    Best way to install new varroa floors?

    And your explanation of how to use em are bob in. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
  17. tkwinston4

    Best way to install new varroa floors?

    Muswell you are spot on, I have the same to convert my smiths. Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
  18. tkwinston4

    Hayfever and Honey

    Funnily enough I never had hayfever until I started beekeeping - I blame the bees!
  19. tkwinston4

    Spare Bees for Sale...

    That makes sense, thanks for that. Much appreciated. I will call hubby for the umpteenth time today to see what he has hanging around at work that I can beg, borrow or more likely steal. Thanks again Dishmop.
  20. tkwinston4

    Drone brood removal for varroa control

    Wax slice??