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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. tkwinston4

    Mice in the rain

    I know mice seek shelter from the cold in our beehives but what about the rain?
  2. tkwinston4

    Small Hive Beetle & the SBI

  3. tkwinston4

    And now

    :thumbup: totally agree! Sent using Tapatalk 2
  4. tkwinston4

    And now

  5. tkwinston4

    Harmless insecticide??

    Wonder if we are "skilled bee controllers"? ;-)
  6. tkwinston4

    Organising to Wear a Suit of Bees

    Best get rid of that "Beekeeping Off Topic Chat" section Admin; its clearly not allowed!
  7. tkwinston4

    Free Wild flower seeds

    Got mine too, thanks.
  8. tkwinston4

    Organising to Wear a Suit of Bees

    Glad to see you are still staying relatively calm considering some of the comments on here! The most tarantulas I kept were 7 all at the same time. 1 Pink Toed, 1 Red Knee, 1 Zebra, 2 Curly Hair, 1 Woolly and a Bird Eating Spider. Most I had from spiderlings except the Bird Eating and that...
  9. tkwinston4

    West Sussex Bee Auction catalogue

    They always have late lots but they will put a cap on them if they get over a certain amount. We don't all want to be hanging around until 7/8/9pm! Edit: the list will be updated a few more times before Saturday too so keep checking it. Also print the list on the morning of the auction and...
  10. tkwinston4

    Organising to Wear a Suit of Bees

    Can I just say good on you Sir Quej! You have said SEVERAL TIMES now that you are going to learn everything there is to learn about wearing a beard of bees and I am sure that people on here are not the only ones to try and put you off but you are clearly determined so I wish you luck in your...
  11. tkwinston4


    Good luck finding a petrol station that will let you fill up 1000 jerrycans!! Last I heard, 2 is the max!! Perhaps you could keep going round in circles and joining the massive line of idiots after filling up two each time! ;)
  12. tkwinston4

    Swarm Collecting

    I will never tire of seeing them do that. First time I saw it I was gob smacked!
  13. tkwinston4

    im glad i put 2 hives though the winter answers on a postcard please

    My advice is don't bother. I tried it myself and it was a complete waste of time. Either the same laying worker returned or another took over the job and not enough bees returned and depleted the numbers so much that they died off. Tried to introduce a new queen but it was too late. Unite...
  14. tkwinston4

    Swarm Collecting

  15. tkwinston4

    Swarm Collecting

  16. tkwinston4

    First swarm call of 2012

    :rofl: Got there and they were a nice prime swarm of dark small bees inconveniently sitting in the corner of a wall that had lots of dark gaps just right for a queen to hide in. I opted for the sweep them in option and luck was on my side because during one of the sweeps the queen must have...
  17. tkwinston4

    First swarm call of 2012

    Swarm. Arrived about half an hour ago by their back door. The person that rang said they were still swarming (flying around) but she was too afraid to open the door!
  18. tkwinston4

    First swarm call of 2012

    Just got my first call this year for a swarm of bees. And yes I did make sure that they are honey bees! They called the estate manager out and he said "they are wild honey bees and no one will want them because they are diseased"!!!!! :beatdeadhorse5:
  19. tkwinston4

    Queen Wasp.

    We had exactly the same happen when we got our decs down. I found one in the boxes and one dragging her sleepy self across the hall floor. I chucked em out in the cold so doubt they survived. Last weekend found another flying around the hall; presumably from the loft, she got thrown out too...
  20. tkwinston4

    Bee stings
