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  1. tkwinston4

    Spare Bees for Sale...

    Dishmop - how did you make the extensions for the lugs? Reason I ask is because I have a Smith hive and every now and again it would be handy to use a frame from them for my friends WBC or my National. I have been pondering how to make some kind of extension but never working it out!!
  2. tkwinston4

    Would anybody be able to identify this please?

    Kaz, perhaps if you learn about spiders you wont be scared of them either. Spiders are fascinating just like bees. Go on give it a try..............
  3. tkwinston4

    Drone brood removal for varroa control

    Possibly a silly question but what proportion are likely to be capped prior to removal? I presume they wont all be capped at the same time?
  4. tkwinston4

    Pompous men in beekeeping

    Not on my course!
  5. tkwinston4

    3 Hives stolen nr Paulton, Bristol

    Good god, this is really p***ing me off all this thieving. To many beekeeping is a hobby and an expensive one at that. But its a hobby because we love doing it. For some **** to come along and nick hives must be soul destroying. Rant over!
  6. tkwinston4

    Peek a Boo..

    :iagree: There seems to be a lot of talk about these colourful little ladies this year. I have certainly noticed a few of them on my dog walks. Have I just missed the conversations in the past or are they going all "Fraggle Rock" and mining their way up from the centre of the earth to take...
  7. tkwinston4

    Did anyone go to the Lincoln Auction?

    A family member of mine went to Reigate auction at the weekend and she said "- there were 3 lots each laying, overwintered queens, 1 yr old, with 7 frames of bees - the cheapest went for £255, the highest was £360!!!!"
  8. tkwinston4

    Get a mongoose so you can harvest your honey!!! :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:
  9. tkwinston4


    Didn't I hear once that you can eat the flowers of daffs?
  10. tkwinston4

    Refractometer readings

    Morning all and what a lurrrvly day it is too - wish I was out there with my bees rather than at work but hey ho - needs must. Anyway a friend got herself a new refractometer and she has been playing with it and has come up with some interesting results that I would like your knowledgeable...
  11. tkwinston4

    Operation Bumblebee

    I didn't know that either, I will have to pop a lemon in with my tarantula and watch her reaction!!
  12. tkwinston4

    Anyone tried to make a honey ice cream?

    What does 'each' mean? I only drink goats milk because I too cant drink cows milk. I dont like soya milk and never heard of the other.
  13. tkwinston4

    Top insulation

  14. tkwinston4

    Nuc Stolen from Apiary South Herftfordshire

    Is it work setting up a sticky thread where people describe best they can what's been stolen so that others can check what they are buying?
  15. tkwinston4

    Took the leap and bought an extractor...yippee!!

    Lucky you; two kitchens :drool5:
  16. tkwinston4

    Clearing Up After Mr Woodpecker

    Ditto to the ditto to the ditto.
  17. tkwinston4

    Ideas please

  18. tkwinston4

    Another theft!

    Do you think the baddies are preparing for the coming season with all the newbees around that need equipment and bees? Or do you reckon its the not so nice newbees who are realising the cost involved and don't want to spend the cash?
  19. tkwinston4

    Another theft!

    Just got this email from our association: "Hello All. We have had reports yesterday of bees being stolen in the last few days in the Walderton and Marden area, north west of Chichester. In one instance only the brood box and bees were taken, and the other, a complete hive with bees, located...