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  1. Cole lynch

    Equipment Wanted Used Nuc boxes wanted

    Looking for a Used Nuc Boxes Poly, Cedar, or any good construction In Kent/Essex Can collect
  2. Cole lynch

    National Nuc to Langstroth Hive

    Just seen this thread on exact same topic
  3. Cole lynch

    National Nuc to Langstroth Hive

    Hi Folks I’m gifting my buddy a nuc on standard DN4 frames from my national hives. What’s the best way to transfer the frames? Are Langstroth frames big enough to just cable tie or screw the DN4 frames inside the Langstroth? TIA
  4. Cole lynch

    How long after the Queen exiting can a hive still make queen cells?

    Firstly: How do you know there is no queen? Check thoroughly for Queen & other cells. If they are superseding her she is likely still in situ. They’re judged to be hopelessly Queenless only when all larvae are capped.
  5. Cole lynch

    Queen cell still open after a week

    Are you saying you do not want to increase your colonies? It’s just that as a newbee, your first priority would usually be to increase your apiary to at least 2 colonies. Having 2 hives is really the minimum number you’ll require to remain self sufficient and sustainable. Otherwise you run the...
  6. Cole lynch

    How to store used Super Frames / Brood Frames for next year

    Dry or wet, After freezing for 48hr to kill off wax moth larvae & eggs, I keep mine in clear stacker boxes and seal the lids with parcel tape to stop moths and leave them in a poly tunnel over winter A cardboard box in the warm is Probly one of the worst places. I had a nucs worth of brood...
  7. Cole lynch

    Drones appearing - Kent

    You’re already half way to a Demereé with your BB/Super/BB set up You could do the same with your other hives if you have the kit & find any QCs Or even preemptive Otherwise splitting your colonies will impact your honey crop. With a Demeree they’re still all filling the same supers PS I’m on...
  8. Cole lynch

    Equipment For Sale Clear Polycarbonate Crownboards

    I h I can highly recommend Arnica Cream for that bruising. Available in most chemist or Holland n Barrett etc. Apply regularly throughout the day & it will stop hurting & heal significantly quicker
  9. Cole lynch

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Poppies. Mallow. Thistles. Clover. Brambles. Broom
  10. Cole lynch

    Teenage science (don’t come at me with pitch forks)

    Wasn’t it some Hoffman geezer riding his bike to his apiary that started it all 🤣 Beekeeping. Wott a buzz!
  11. Cole lynch

    Some observations two days after newspaper unite.

    Bottom BB is hopelessly queenless here
  12. Cole lynch

    Some observations two days after newspaper unite.

    Just one more Question When uniting through Supers. Do you/would you use Queen excluder to retain the Queen in the top box to prevent her getting into the Supers Or just have to locate her wherever she ends up after all is said n done?
  13. Cole lynch

    Some observations two days after newspaper unite.

    Yeh What I was getting at was would the 2 Supers interfere with HRH’s fairy moans getting down to the bees in the bottom box that I want to accept her. I didn’t want to think ok Theyve chewed through the paper and it’s done, then put the 2 BBs together and WHAM! the bottom bees ball her. Dya...
  14. Cole lynch

    Some observations two days after newspaper unite.

    Thank you that’s a relief to hear Obviously I’m a greenhorn lol
  15. Cole lynch

    Some observations two days after newspaper unite.

    Can I jump on this bandwagon I just united a Q+ nuc on top of a Q- hive that has 2 Supers on. I just left them in situ n placed the new BB on top of the Supers. then it struck me that I’ve created some sort of wierd reverse Demeré Should I have emptied the bees from the Supers & taken them...
  16. Cole lynch

    Honey with added CBD

    Be very careful If magic mushrooms are prepared for consumption then under current UK law they become a Class A Drug and you’d be guilty of Intention to supply. Just saying.
  17. Cole lynch

    Honey with added CBD

    I think you’re referring to “Mad Honey” produced by giant Nepalese bees foraging on Rhododendrons, 🌺 which are toxic. Overconsumption can lead to OD & possibly death 💀 Cannabis is wind pollinated
  18. Cole lynch

    Equipment For Sale Clear Polycarbonate Crownboards

    3 x Nationals with holes and rims Please
  19. Cole lynch

    Extracting OSR honey

    Can the frames be sat in warm water to soften & dissolve it & then spun leaving the frames to be used for summer flow?
  20. Cole lynch

    Bee Equipment order delay

    @Wilco Thanks for the tip 👍🏼