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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. T

    Heather Flow

    I ended up with 220 pounds of honey this was strained and filtered off 6 hives this year. so im very pleased with my lot.. one of my hives had 3 supers on it and they had made comb out of the top. this was the hive I took last year and as far as I know it was the same queen.. one im gonna breed...
  2. T

    does anyone keep aggressive bees

    not worthy
  3. T

    surplus queens

    1 queen just a update to spare queens..... 1 will have a queen or 2 spare next week if anyone wants them I know its a bit late but had a look today at bees and decided 2 unite a few
  4. T

    In praise of my AMM black queen

  5. T

    Knives or Forks ?

    always a fork
  6. T

    HMRC tax and beekeeping

  7. T

    Lost 13kg in less than a week

  8. T

    Black bee

    is there any treatment for them???? Or is it best to leave and see?? Or destroy?? Mine is fairly bad..
  9. T

    does anyone keep aggressive bees

    had a few... 2 this year was very aggressive. they both swarmed and the new queens are realy calm.. ile wait till next year and see what there like..
  10. T

    Black bee

    I have a hive with lots of them in. and been told it is chronic paralysis... hundreds thrown out of the hive but queen laying like mad and its on brood and a half. im leaving to overwinter and see next year
  11. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    just finished scraping combs and putting the heather honey in buckets... 270 pound off 6 hives.. 3 supers not capped. so put on hives to cap so a very good year 4 me. varoa treatment on tomorrow
  12. T

    Cut comb honey

    is that more expensive if it is heather??? just brought mine home 6 hives 270 pound up to now.. i will be doing cut comb if the price is right next year
  13. T

    Which type of honey extractor???

  14. T

    which comes first. feed or treat

    doing both at the same time
  15. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    brought hives from heather.. very pleased with them took 6 looks like I will get 2 supers capped per hive
  16. T

    Check those mites! A word of warning

    30 i have just done a week on one of mine and it has dropped 2700 this is with appiguard.. I knew it was gonna be high but??? 3 weeks to go.. Some of mine have not dropped a lot a couple are very high. These were the ones that i never had 2 artificial swarm this year..
  17. T

    Message from defra

    just use syrup much easier
  18. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    counted mites on worst hive 1400 in 5 days..
  19. T

    Suddenly Extra Active.
