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  1. B

    Uniting a Nuc with queenless hive

    Well did a stupid thing! Put in test frame but then was given a v q. Cells were being drawn but then I took out the frame with the cells to a Nuc when I put in the caged q. Left that for 3 days then released q and they killed! But I have a few Nucs that I want to unite as I don't want too many...
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    Uniting a Nuc with queenless hive

    I have a very strong hive which is hopelessly queenless for 5 wks. Tried adding a virgin queen in a cage but no luck...they killed her. The hive has 2 supers. How can I unite a q+ Nuc safely to this hive?. ? Newspaper and qxc over the brood box, add the Nuc frames into another brood box over...
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    Inteoducing a laying Queen

    Thank you
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    Inteoducing a laying Queen

    Thank you
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    Inteoducing a laying Queen

    No dwv. Lots of mites in drone comb
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    Inteoducing a laying Queen

    I have a gasvap
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    Inteoducing a laying Queen

    Apiguard given in August and OA vape in Dec
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    Inteoducing a laying Queen

    I have a strong Nuc but it has a varroa and chalkbrood problem. Can I do a Bailey comb change and introduce a new laying queen in a q cage at the same time. Then I can treat the phoretic mites. I am getting rid of the old
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    Facing South?

    No its not. I have mine facing North but have a hedge about 5ft from the front so it breaks the wind. They don't get morning sun but that doesn't stop them flying gout when Temp us right. I got the same at of honey this yr as l did last Yr which didn't happen with other beekeepers near me. I...
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    Unsafe Honey

    I saw it as an exam question and my thoughts are similar fermentation, contamination, storage and perhaps chemicals from bee treatments and toxic substances i.e c botulinum
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    Unsafe Honey

    What would make honey unsafe for human consumption?
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    Workshop Heating

    What about a plug in space heater? They look like long tubular bulbs.and come with brackets so can hang on wall or ceiling. You will need to keep the door closed. Put it on a timer so your shed is warm when you want to work there.
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    Double brood working vs Demaree

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    Double brood working vs Demaree

    What do you mean by 6 5/8?
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    Hive numbers vs CPBV vs imaginations

    Thanks for your response. I dont live in UK, would not be aware of your GDPR regs and was only posing the Q!
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    Hive numbers vs CPBV vs imaginations

    When you email someone is it not then their email and they are free to pass it on unless you headed it 'confidential'
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    Varrox vs cheaper Chinese versions

    Have a look at the Gas Vap Google the Gas Vap
  18. B

    Comb on bottom wire

    I am a new beginner. I have 2 hives with open mesh floor. One hive is from a swarm and the other a 6 frame nuc. I have them since May. Both hives are doing well however the bees are working on the bottom wire and closing the gaps with comb and are also Building brood comb on the crown cover...