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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. My first year...

    My first year...

  2. M

    What's happening here?

    mine did this yesterday- then it clapped with thunder, rained for 10 minutes, and they all went inside and settled down. today gathering pollen, busy in and out but no irritability and seem to be happy!
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    tips for newbees re smokers

    Thank you everyone- I thought i was the only one to struggle with my smoker- will check all the parts today for blockages and will consider the use of herbs and petshop shavings!
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    A tale of Bailey, swarms, queen excluder and advice needed.

    sorry Rae- just realised i mis read point 3 and thought you were talking about the AS i had done earlier in the week. Have had a look- yes- queen cells: 2 with eggs, one with a grub, and one closed. but also 2 which look like they have been torn down- Queen looks really well- laying well-...
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    A tale of Bailey, swarms, queen excluder and advice needed.

    Thanks Rae and Chickendave, useful suggestions. I am keen to keep to just 2-3 colonies at max and didn't think I'd be on my 3rd colony already! Yes I need a bit more kit- think I'll go shopping later... in point 3 of Rae's advice, the colony with the virgin queen has more than 1 frame of...
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    A tale of Bailey, swarms, queen excluder and advice needed.

    Thanks for advice- i hadn't thought of the problem for drones getting out. I'll check tomorrow. If there are queen cells, assuming i have dealt with the problem that triggered the swarm- over crowding, separating the queen in the per box etc, should i destroy them, now that i have done an...
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    A tale of Bailey, swarms, queen excluder and advice needed.

    I am an inexperienced Beek. I received my first colony last year- but the comb they were on was very old and needed replacement. I tried a Bailey manoeuvre to change my comb in brood box. My queen was laying prolifically and the brood looked healthy and patterned well in the new comb. I was...
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    When should I put out the bait hives?

    I know about lemon grass, whats a swarm lure?
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    Do dead bees attract trouble?

    This is my first winter. As the temperature has risen, my girls are very active and clearing the dead. There must be 200+ in front of the hive. I've been amazed to see some strong bees carrying some of the dead up and away from the garden altogether. Should I give them a hand and clear the...
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    Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

    Gardenbees- Many thanks. You make a lot of sense. I think the seeds will go on my open fire tonight- When I visit my father in Devon, (who sent me the seeds after observing hundreds of bees indulging), I'll just enjoy seeing those bees dusted with the HB pollen... I think nature has enough to...
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    Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

    Ok. I see.- its illegal to spread in the countryside/wild. What about in my own back yard? I have a very large garden with a wooded area which is wild with nettles and bramble.... Or should I destroy the seeds I have?? Welcome various opinions. Mamahilz
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    Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)

    Wow- love the photo. My dad has sent me some seeds... so the question is- should I or shouldn't I plant them? Best in woodland or along the country road, hedgerow? Thanks
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    Do open Mesh floors attract wasps and robbers?

    I am totally new to beekeeping. My bees have been badly attacked by wasps this year- not helped by the fact that I was away for 3 weeks in August and had not realised that I should have reduced the entrance size (now done) I have an open mesh floor- and noticed that when the tray was not in, the...