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  1. M


    Ah.... ..and I was talking approximate daytime highs too.
  2. M


  3. M


    Me neither, apart from access if needed as I don't have a 4WD. According to 'accu'weather daytime temps in my neck of the woods won't drop below 11C until November.
  4. M


    One UK weather forecast site I've seen suggests a colder than average winter according to their modelling ... El Niño etc. We'll see.......
  5. M

    Bees in my roof

    For starters go online and Google the following then browse images..... Honeybee uk Bumblebee uk Wasp uk Hornet uk Solitary bee uk You may be able to identify the type of insect from the pictures. If you identify the type you can discuss options on this thread. Only honeybees will remain...
  6. M

    Am I too late....
  7. M

    No beginner course available - now what?

    You'll have to speak to them. Normally association sites are for training or breeding apiaries. Best ring their secretary and get some general advice.
  8. M

    No beginner course available - now what?

    What is the latest month in the year I can get bees and have some hope of getting even a tiny amount of honey? Thinking of honey/selling before getting your first bees is probably the wrong mindset because it's not guaranteed. Swarming, bad husbandry, bad weather and lack of forage can kibosh...
  9. M

    No beginner course available - now what?

    Why not? Perhaps better to do the course first, especially as the preparing of colonies to get through winter is fast approaching. You could loose the lot if you get it wrong.
  10. M

    Sugar at great price.

    Still dearer than FarmFoods. Last time I was in a Macro a 25kg sack was over £20.
  11. M

    Sugar at great price.

    Farmfoods are doing it at 59p per kg (silver spoon). Just bought 25kg for £14.75 which is cheaper than Bookers even with their offer.
  12. M

    Opinions - best vehicle for Beeks?

    I have to be careful what I carry in my small 5' trailer as it bounces over every road defect. I've stopped routinely carrying boxes with undrawn frames as the constant bashing was damaging and dislodging the wax sheets. I've heard of people putting ballast in them to try and prevent this, but...
  13. M

    Culling old queen

    Very good advice. If she's a good queen keep her as long as you can in a nuc. There are many of us who have regretted disposing of an old laying queen when the new one disappears in October.
  14. M

    Wintering over an empty super

    Most UK winters have mild periods where the bees are active, e.g. I've seen them flying on Christmas Day in the past. During these periods of milder temperatures the bees move stores from the super under the BB to top up the stores there. You can often tell when this is happening as you see...
  15. M

    How much honey per hive 2014?

    Manley (book - Honey Farming) says that the bees don't winter well on heather honey in harsh winters, but in mild winters 'they could wish for nothing better'. He also says it cannot be surpassed as Spring feed for rapid build-up.
  16. M

    Which type of honey extractor???

    Initially hire one off your local association until you know that you're in this for the long term. The drop out rate is high, so even if you are super keen now it is possible you may change your mind over the coming year or two. I'm not trying to be negative but really you shouldn't buy an...
  17. M

    Wax moth identification

    Over the past few weeks I've found a number of moths under the roof overhangs. Not wax moth but others presumably having emerged in the trees and just sheltering.
  18. M

    MAQS beehive strips.

    Patent..... Blaming that one on corrective text!
  19. M

    MAQS beehive strips.

    Yes, it is increasingly less likely anyone will say if they find a silver bullet for varroa - too much money being made from all these potions! If you did find a way of totally eradicating it you'd make more money selling the patient so it could be locked away and never seen again!
  20. M

    Getting ready for winter

    ....It might even be that you could do well to tap the surplus workers into a super of empty frames overnight, remove it with them still in it in the wee small hours and euthanase them, leaving the brood box safe and crewed...... I've read some rubbish on this forum but this takes the biscuit...