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    Never had colonys like it.

    To be honest I didn't realise honey bees worked it
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    Never had colonys like it.

    The vetch is all over the field ditches in my area
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    Mini Plus Apinord

    The abelo one is great you can raise 2 queens in each nuc plus it has a top feeder
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    Hand heather loosener

    Are the hand heather loosener worth getting will I be able to save my comb using one , could someone explain the process please. I really hate crushing my good comb
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    Ben harden method

    I have been using the ben harden method all season on two cell builders, I'm very happy with this method getting average of 15 - 17 queens raised out of 20 each hit
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    Have hives on a field of beans farmer told me he needs to spray for aphids hes using aphox , should I block them in and for how long
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Biggest colony iv had so far ,5 capped supers and another 2 been filled
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    Timber prices

    Its gone up 60% here since last September
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    Double brood

    Thanks for replys
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    Double brood

    Would you recommend a super under qx to give herself more room to lay
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    Double brood

    This year iv tried double brood on some colonies 1 colony in particular has 19 frames of brood what do you guys that run double brood do in this situation demaree 1 of the boxes and give back another under qx ,or steal out some brood, currently has 3 supers on will need more
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked the colonies on osr 12 hives have drawn full deep boxes of foundation and filled with nectar added drawn shallows nectar piling in . Not bad for ****** black bees
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    Starvation Risk?

    I have 16 hives on a field of osr barley any honey in them , crazy ! The queens slowed up laying... Very cold nights here and the days aren't much better
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Bit of a frustrating start to season with these frosty nights and cool breeze the bees aren't working the osr too much there just maintaining themselves, waste of time moving 16 colonies
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    Konigin wax melter and spinner

    Has anyone tried these , would like to get some feedback off anyone who has purchased thanks VC-Z-51-230 Wax melter and extractor 51 cm, electrically heated, with lockable lid and with bearing
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    Ventilated suits

    Mine has velcro
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    Temp for OSR to Produce nectar

    I have hives on osr past week now there bearly bringing in enough stores to keep themselves going never mind a surplus, in full flower now but its been so cold this spring