Move the hive away from stand and let all the flying bees go to old stand .
Smoke the hell out of hive in new position. Will make finding the Queen alot easier with mostly young bees left in hive .. kill queen
You could make nucs out of hive
Looking to buy new beekeeping suit
Im stuck between senitil pro 2 or swienty breeze . Anyone who has these could you let me know if there sting proof ..
My aus armor one was great but is needing replacement. The briars tear them too easily
I have done loads of roof cut outs been a roofer comes in handy . Its hard work and you gotta leave the roof weatherproof and finished correctly.. To be honest i think if you're not a roofer or someone with hight insurance you have no business been up there you could get seriously hurt or worse...
Great answers from others here another method is queen excluder between boxes keep queen in bottom box each visit move open larva and eggs up and put sealed brood and empty comb down
I have an apiary in a old apple orchard and the old man who lives there (86) insists in striming it himself a few times a year with no protection and he hasnt once been stung with 12 hives in apiary. I nick named him Dr dolittle .
Checked 15 hives in home apiary one loss . The hives were jam-packed with ivy honey i removed 4 frames of ivy out of one hive and switched with drawn comb ..overall brood rearing only getting started