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  1. D

    frame numbers vs honey yield

    Yes i get between 27 to 32 pounds for a national super with 10 frames each super fills 10l bucket
  2. D

    Heather honey separating

    Would freezing heather honey in buckets stop it fermenting?
  3. D

    New universal Heather Loosener

    I haven't seen this before anyone have this
  4. D

    Plastic heather honey loosener

    I could see it working but the cells would probably be destroyed in the process. You could imagine moving a frame up and down a few times to loosen the heather
  5. D

    Heather honey 2022?

    I bought the abelo hand loosener last year , its a terrible slow task i had over 20 supers to get done .. Never again !
  6. D

    Heather honey 2022?

    I decided not to go to the heather this year with work and family holidays ect . I got one apiary 3 miles from heather all nine colonies filled a box of heather and 2 colonies filled 2 Happy
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    Supers weights

    10 litre buckets
  8. D

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    There are two fields of chicory next my apiary
  9. D

    Amm / Native Black Bee Discussion

    The bees done a great job this year with packed supers and beautiful white cappings
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    Supers weights

    I use national size supers This year the ten frame supers all weighed in between 28 and 32 pounds. I have never had supers fill a bucket each I think I'll be converting most my supers to ten frame castelations now
  11. D

    How many hives hits the "sweet-spot"?

    Iv a full time job .came trough winter with 52 i sold 18 but is looking like around 70 by the end of season.. its time consuming yes . I got 6 apiaries i pop into 2 during the week on way home from work and do the rest on Saturday... queen rearing is taking up too much time so i wont be doing...
  12. D

    Best ventilated bee suit?

    Thats not good . The material is suppose to prevent Asian hornet stings never mind bees .. Disappointed to hear that the reason i bought one is because im getting bad reactions this year after 5 years beekeeping
  13. D

    Best ventilated bee suit?

    I bought the ultra suit i was a bit pissed off that the sting proof material only went to mid forearm and just below the knees ridiculous..its an expensive suit and you shouldn't have to fork out more cash for gauntlets. Can i ask Where on the body were you stung trough suit ?
  14. D

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Super flow on here in co wicklow i think i will skip inspections this weekend and leave them at it i gave them lots of space on inspection last week
  15. D

    Another show and tell poser

    Looks starved out
  16. D

    Full brood box..

    Just give her another box to lay up . She obviously needs another box . You could swap out a couple of frames for drawn comb but that will only buy you a little time
  17. D

    Best use for partially-filled brood combs

    I must say i had 300 spare drawn brood comb at the start of the season and it made this year's beekeeping alot easier on management
  18. D

    Paper re allergy and immunotherapy

    So do you have to use an epipen every time you get stung ? How do you protect yourself against getting stung
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    Thats a pity they look great
  20. D

    Angry bees!!!

    Its certainly not a nice experience ! . Layer up on next visit and goodluck