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  1. D

    The BBKA website

    In BBKA Constitution-speak your federation is an 'Area Association' and thus it does not matter if it maps to a specific county or not. The key test is that you collect & pay capitation to the BBKA. You should get the service that you are entitled to, and that you are still waiting after six...
  2. D

    The BBKA website

    Hi Chris - I understand your point. What concerns me about the website security is that any vulnerabilities are invisible until you set out explicitly to find them, but at the same time they are exposed worldwide 24 hours a day. It's not like a car, where you'd readily spot a flat tyre, or a...
  3. D

    The BBKA website

    MM - is your federation a member association of the BBKA? My assumption would be that the BBKA website hosting is offered only to its members, fair enough perhaps since they pay for it ultimately but a timely reply would have put you out of your misery!
  4. D

    The BBKA website

    I know, I know... but in my defence it was outside of the beekeeping season. But the motivator was that I could see problems, the website is a public thing, and my approach is not to sit on the outside grumbling, but to try to get things to change for the better. Looking at the exchange almost...
  5. D

    The BBKA website

    Interestingly, I needed to look up the names of the Trustees about a month ago, and the list was out of date, still showing the 2013 Trustees. Nothing has changed. Still, can't say as I didn't try :)
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    The BBKA website

    more... ... and that's the last I heard about it.
  7. D

    The BBKA website

    more... (I appear to have lost Doug's reply to the above, I believe from the context however that they further exercised his dismay at me not giving the specifics of the mis-configuration of the website) At this point I felt that, even being some years away from doing this work...
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    The BBKA website

    more... I opened up my response from the small group that Doug had been addressing at this stage to the larger group that I originally emailed:
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    The BBKA website

  10. D

    The BBKA website

    more... There followed a side-thread amongst some recipients and Jane Moseley, BBKA General Secretary, regarding the specifics. Having read Doug's above reply I declined to perform their testing for them
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    The BBKA website

    it continues...
  12. D

    The BBKA website

    Almost a year ago, I complained to a number of 'bigwigs' at the BBKA that the website was not fit for purpose. I had lost patience with what I saw as a cosmetically-driven waste of money, but as well as strong critique I provided clear advice on how to resolve the problems. My biggest concern...
  13. D

    Uncapping machine.

    I missed the demonstration day but have a Swienty/Fritz flail uncapper that will chomp sidebars with the metal flail blades. The solution was simple (when I asked - didn't work it out myself!) and was to use frame wire to wire back the specific blades that contact the sidebars. Given that...
  14. D

    New "Access to Research"

    Has anyone tried this out? I see Springer are involved, which could therefore include Apidologie. ETA: Apidologie from 01/01/2007 is included according to this.
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    Phoretic vs non-phoretic varroa mites

    The accepted average (ITMA's comments accepted) is 30% phoretic / 70% reproductive. We do not often see winter broodless periods here.
  16. D

    MAQ strip dosage

    Not a rumour. It came from me at Gormanston because the MAQS sales girls were unconvincing and I rather hijacked the session. MAQS dosage is calculated for Langstroth boxes; National brood boxes are roughly 2/3 of that volume. I run on Commercials which are roughly Langstroth volume; I have not...
  17. D

    Hive Alive BBC2 On Now!

    Seems I'm late to the party and the fighting has started already... Caught some of the first episode yesterday on iPlayer. I have to say that I was impressed with the approach, pace and general standard. That said, I felt the comments of the beekeeper himself were underwhelming on a number of...
  18. D

    Is this EFB (PHOTO)

    From the photo they still look well-segmented, not watery unsegmented sacks. Unhealthy but not classic EFB. As somebody else intimated, lift a larva out onto the wood of the frame, tear it open with forceps and see if there is a distinct clump of white material within watery contents. This is...
  19. D

    Queen rearing apiary

    Think not in terms of one queen rearing apiary, but a number of apiaries within a 2-5 mile radius where you can raise/mate queens and drones. Conceptually, a ring of drone raising apiaries around the queen mating apiary. Mating on the wing is a numbers game; raising chosen good quality drones in...
  20. D

    Introduced Mated AMM Queen Piping?

    Queens will also pipe to halt rough-handling by the workers around them, e.g. when being harassed in preparation for swarming. Piping makes the workers halt what they are doing in the vicinity of the queen. This is less common that the queen-to-queen challenge/response of piping/quarking. I...