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  1. D


    But with 10 posts he can't even read the post title... Noddy, you need to make another ten posts before you can be exposed to facts that some find very uncomfortable :)
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    How important is hawthorn as a nectar source?

    It's notable for the rarity of it 'working' for the bees here, hence not something to be relied upon.
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    Traditional, Comercial or Religious

    Accepted :) But didn't the christmas tree itself stem from earlier pre-Christian traditions?
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    Traditional, Comercial or Religious

    I am again looking forward to our ritual of going to the local Christmas tree sales place on about the 23rd of December, picking the most misshapen and unlovable potted tree from the pathetic remaining selection, bringing it home and giving it the best damn Christmas that we can - warmth, light...
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    Honey Bee Behaviour - Module 6 - Oct 22/23 2016

    This is a 2-day course looking at honey bee behaviour, suitable for those with some beekeeping experience. It can be a good refresher for those who are preparing to sit the Module 6 exam. It is run as part of the NDB Short Course programme by Dan Basterfield NDB. Description: We will explore...
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    Anyone used one of these drum trolley/rotators?

    There are many unbranded yellow ones on ebay advertising various maximum capacities of 300-400Kg. I went for the Sealey DH02 because I have a known manufacturer to contact for warranty if it fails. Ebay secured it for just under £300. Works like a charm!
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    Anyone used one of these drum trolley/rotators?

    Looking for something smaller that will rotate and move a drum in areas where the forklift can't go. These pop up all over the place rated at 360Kg, are they any use? I already have this sort of drum trolley but it's a 2 man lift to rotate a drum of honey: Looking for something easier/safer!
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    how to check for real honey

    It doesn't work like that - if the bees mixed syrup in with stored honey then the water content of the 'honey' would be too high, and fermentation would result. No good for them and nothing usable for us to extract. They don't do this - they ripen the syrup to honey as they would any nectar from...
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    Clive de Bruyn.

    Happily, somebody got their wires crossed :) Clive's alive and well. The following is being circulated now as a correction:
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    Ground Source Heat Pumps

    The honey house and visitor areas here are heated with a GSHP and underfloor heating in the concrete screed. I got my system back in 2010 from NuHeat as they are about 5 miles away; not a great customer experience but technically the system has been very good. The GSHP is a twin pump Nibe 30KW...
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    oh dear

    The difficulty here is that if her apiary is not know, even if there is a notifiable outbreak 500 yards down the road she won't get a visit from an inspector. Having missed out on the courses she probably doesn't know about BeeBase yet, so it's just being a good neighbour and doing her a...
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    BIBBA Regional meeting In February

    Perhaps Buckfasts are the answer then, and Bro Adam will come to be regarded as a pioneer in breeding "locally adapted" bees...? ;) I'm always puzzled when people appear to consider that Buckfasts were not bred for UK conditions. It's a small village on the edge of Dartmoor, not Hawaii :)...
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    Crop Yields

    This thread from last week covered similar ground... ;)
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    Temp controlled transport for brood & queen cells

    Ours is a bigger version of Alan's suggestion: An old wide-mouthed soup or laboratory Thermos flask. Cut thick foam sponge circles to fill the flask stacked on top of each other, punch holes in the upper ones to take queen cells in comfort. Fill to well below the level of the queen cells with...
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    The BBKA forum is heavily moderated, but the trigger to discuss here was that (a) KB was being named and speculation was underway, and (b) since stating the above on the BBKA forum I have heard that the President and Chairman believe they have no reason not to continue in post next year.
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    Frame trapping

    The cost (effort & brood raising break) outweighs the benefits for most. Have you considered drone comb removal? Put 1" starter strips in deep frames, keep them at the edge of the brood nest when colonies are expanding, and monitor the resulting drone comb e.g. with an uncapping fork. If mite...
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    The lack of transparency is the root of the problem - the BBKA Exec don't want the matter discussed or publicised, which is why they were so keen that the meeting would make the matter go away by suspending KB. I think at the bottom of it all, they just want a quiet and comfortable life without...
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    Pete - there is enough speculation here and on the BBKA Facebook page that people know something happened. It appears the communication in counties was very variable - from some saying nothing to members, to others forwarding all the documents around. I held off posting anything until names...
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    KB is my father and I am also involved. I believe that an appropriate summary might be "lies, corruption, and cover-up". Back in March, KB had reason to accuse another trustee of lying to fellow trustees. I also complained at the same time about the same person/allegations as a member of the...