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  1. D

    Can of worms here.

    I came late to the discussions but provided some input into the wording of that survey. Let me categorically state that the purpose of the exercise is not to promote one flavour of bee, nor to ban imports, nor to force registration of queen/bee suppliers. It is an information gathering exercise...
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    Rudolf Steiner

    It's junk science. See here for an example - according to Steiner, workers can't reproduce because they develop in more than one solar rotation, yet the queen is perfectly formed in one solar rotation and so can reproduce. The really sad thing was that Steiner took sound observations and...
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    Brood and a half

    Well said! See below:
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    Pollen id resource

    If viewing on a laptop or tablet, tilt your screen and it all changes anyway! Choose your viewing angle, brightness, contrast, & colour settings carefully... or adjust them to be something different - there is no consistency in colour reproduction. William Kirk spent a lot of time working with...
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    Honey jar sizes

    Very much so these days. Plus a 12oz hex jar has a very satisfying size and weight in the hand.
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    Dividing board with foil

    My thoughts too, although it might be a translation issue as to whether it's a division board or a dummy board. With a thin ply division board, you find that two small nucs in a divided brood box will run hemispherical brood nests either side of the divider, sharing warmth. In that scenario...
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    Using a super as an eke for Fondant

    Putting the "eek" into "eke"...? :sorry:
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    Plastic - NO

    OK, my bad: I took the thread off in a DHMO tangent. :calmdown: My point was that the metal tins had their problems, everything has a risk even common everyday materials. Hats off to Thrones for trying to innovate. I agree that single use plastic is a great problem. But what if that single use...
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    Plastic - NO

    If you think that's bad then you should see what Dihydrogen Monoxide is doing to the environment... Death due to accidental inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities. Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage. Excessive ingestion produces a number of unpleasant though not...
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    Plastic - NO

    Actually I've written off a box of polish tins due to corrosion, and I'm small beer in polish making. I know of others who have written off large quantities (probably tens of thousands) due to storage & corrosion problems.
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    U-configured apiary layout

    Think intersections - perfectly plausible to have a U shape if two parallel woo lines intersect with a perpendicular woo line. Let's not forget the cumulative energies at those intersections - you'd probably need to stack colonies to fully harness the potential ;) Back to the question... As...
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    Planning Permission advice

    You'd need to be looking at a minimum of 100 hives for it to be considered an agricultural business, what you're talking of is approached as a tied agricultural dwelling associated with a farm unit that needs close supervision. It's a non-starter with 11 hives.
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    U-configured apiary layout

    Californian almond grove?
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    Bottom Feeders?

    Just like when somebody mentions "bottom ventilation" with regards to open mesh floors... ;)
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    Conserving honeybees does not help wildlife.

    I know you were just poking with the native stick for a reaction, as is your way, but be careful what you wish for - even in jest :sos: About 8 years ago an article was published in an industry magazine called 'Conservation Land Management' or similar which argued that Apis mellifera was not...
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    Urban Apiculture Dissertation

    Hi - You may be interested in looking closer to home. There have been 6-9 colonies on top of one of the buildings on the Exeter campus for many years. You could poll students and staff who study & work in that building, but who are not connected with the psychology department, regarding their...
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    Conserving honeybees does not help wildlife.

    True, however it's the conclusion that honey bees should not be allowed in "conservation areas" that worries me - are we to see huge tracts of the countryside become off limits to beehives? The review makes no mention of the varying physical adaptations and capabilities of different...
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    Devon BKA Asian Hornet Initiative - The Martyn Hocking Experience

    A village that happens to have a 3 mile beach of broad, flat, golden sand and a good climate. Many camp sites and caravan parks nearby. Not wishing to point any fingers, but many of the visitors may well have taken vehicles/trailers over to France at some point. Perhaps not the time or place...
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    How to feed fondant

    Hello Charles. Locally (assuming EDBK is East Devon) my colonies had a good autumn and went into winter with good stores; few are light but those that are were noticeable. I too have been putting fondant on selected colonies. Clearly both your colonies have found the fondant above the...