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  1. JamezF

    Strap everything down -- it might get a bit bumpy

    Urgh. I went out delivering honey late this afternoon and got absolutely soaked. Looks like the storm might have arrived a bit early.
  2. JamezF

    Best size jar and labelling

    For that you need honey in a condition suitable for doing the refilling. Perhaps keeping some sort of bulk (yet relatively small) container in an airing cupboard or similar warm space might work. Otherwise I'd guess you're likely to find that the honey has started to crystallise by the time you...
  3. JamezF

    Best size jar and labelling

    It's a laudable goal, certainly. Unfortunately as has been pointed out here in the past, you need to be absolutely certain that the returns have not been used to contain anything that might not be safe for humans even after, say, a pass through the dishbasher. I've been trying to come up with...
  4. JamezF

    Strap everything down -- it might get a bit bumpy

    Gusts of well over 70mph forecast here for the weekend. I don't recall ever seeing that high before. I shall be taking some time tomorrow to go around and check that everything is strapped down well... James
  5. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    For clarity, I assume you're interested in achieving relatively high temperatures as a means of killing off any viable seeds in the compost? James
  6. JamezF

    Best size jar and labelling

    Mine are 280ml hex jars from Bottle Company South, though they also actually say they're 12oz so you don't have to guess. James
  7. JamezF

    Best size jar and labelling

    Interesting that 8oz seems more popular in some cases than others. I've only done 12oz this year because it's what I had, but perhaps getting some 8oz jars in as well might be worth a try. James
  8. JamezF

    God I love growing our own

    I'd say that you don't need to make it all at once because my heaps get up to 70°C+ and they're filled as and when material is available, but you probably do need a reasonable volume of fresh material at the same time and a good mix of "green" (nitrogen-providing) and "brown" (carbon-providing)...
  9. JamezF

    Two-jar gift box

    Do you have a preferred supplier for the boxes or are they all much of a muchness? I've been asked only this evening if I can post some to a few people. James
  10. JamezF

    Apimondia Honey Show

    The baker is the definitive variable :D James
  11. JamezF

    oxalic Acid for Instantvap

    If the concentration is only "something 75% or higher" then it might be a bit "slushy". James
  12. JamezF

    BeeBase 'known risk'

    From memory I had eight warnings this year. James
  13. JamezF

    Apimondia Honey Show

    During the week we just use a breadmaker overnight and a recipe that started out as one that came with the instructions, but has morphed over time to use a balance of white/wholemeal flour that we prefer as well as being tweaked slightly depending on what yeast is available, for example. We...
  14. JamezF

    BeeBase 'known risk'

    I still do. Quite a few times, this year :( James
  15. JamezF

    Understanding behaviour

    As far as I'm aware it's generally considered that an entrance will be "mouse proof" and not require guards if it is no more than 8mm "high" (mine are actually 8mm deep, as I use UFEs). The entrance in the video looks like it is in that kind of ballpark to me. Prior to switching to UFEs I used...
  16. JamezF

    BeeBase 'known risk'

    I'd not panic about it, personally. Just be aware of the problem and be diligent with your disease inspections and biosecurity. I have apiaries within and near the edge of what I think is the worst-affected 10km square (for EFB) in the country this year, which has actually been something of a...
  17. JamezF

    Dead loss?

    And a blind eye where "health and safety" is concerned? :D We could be describing one of my neighbours... James
  18. JamezF

    10/10 UK Samples

    It does make me wonder how much trust should be placed in any labels that are intended to indicate some sort of standard in terms of quality or welfare. It does feel that if the cost to the supermarket of "being found out" is lower than the profit to be made by selling a product that may be...
  19. JamezF

    Apimondia Honey Show

    We've been making our own for so long that I couldn't even be sure what year it was when I last ate supermarket bread. I might even struggle to get the decade right :D James
  20. JamezF

    10/10 UK Samples

    As pure molecules, no, but I guess depending on the method of production there could be DNA remnants from the source plants present. And of course lack of any DNA or significantly reduced levels of DNA might well be a pointer to problems too. James