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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. L

    Swarming or bearding? Or something else?

    I was told I should add the feeder, however when I moved the frames from the nuc to the hive all 5 frames were full of brood and stores. I did wonder if it was really necessary.. but went ahead anyway and added the feeder. If they have a frame or two of food stores do you think I could remove...
  2. L

    Swarming or bearding? Or something else?

    Thanks I’ll try this. Will they be ok without the feeder having moved from a 5 frame nuc to a 10 frame brood box?
  3. L

    Swarming or bearding? Or something else?

    The hive isn’t painted. It’s untreated red cedar
  4. L

    Swarming or bearding? Or something else?

    It’s an open mesh floor
  5. L

    Swarming or bearding? Or something else?

    Hello! I’m a brand new beekeeper and transferred my first nuc to the hive on Saturday (1st June). I also added a bucket feeder to the hive to help them out. The bees were very calm and easy to handle. On Sunday (2nd June) mid afternoon I noticed a lot of bees flying/circling around the hive...