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    Thanks...Cornish honey tell me there wood is paulownia because it is very light weight (good for beekeepers) and therefore very insulating (good for bees), they find it far superior to cedar or pine - 17"x12"x38"
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    New beekeeper looking to buy a Top Bar......does anyone have any recommendations, I dont have the time to build one,. Have seen some on the Thornes site , Cornish Honey etc......willing to buy from an independent source if recommended. I already have two nationals with bees..looking to move on...
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    Guidance pls

    Hey guys I dont feel castigated ......i was told though not to feed , and just leave them was just my observation of lack of activity that got me grateful for all the nuggets and opinions
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    Guidance pls

    I believe it was a very small caste....they were in a tree for two days ..thanks for all the advice
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    Guidance pls

    Theres a building close by that has a history of bees in the cavities on a regular basis, as many as 13 colonies (hotel)........thats a real possibilty they they have joined those ones.....anyhow hasnt put me off in the slightest, im in it for the long haul
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    Guidance pls

    When I collected swarm , I left nothing but a few stragglers behind. Left in my nuc for 48 hrs, about 2 miles from where I got them......I was advised to leave the nuc open so the queen could fly and mate ( mistake??)........when I transferred to my hive I already had concerns, as it seemed as...
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    Guidance pls no expert but....there was practically zero activity around the hive this I opened up and lo and behold theres about 50 bees looking very docile.its 4 days since i last checked.......they have started drawing out on the foundation , but im inclined to think...
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    Guidance pls

    Thanks for the advice
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    Guidance pls

    Will do... Thanks
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    Guidance pls

    Brand new beekeeper, just took my first swarm , left in a nuc for 48hrs to settle , when I transferred to hive , seems like the swarm is half of what it was.also I couldnt see the Queen. Im leaving it a week before I check again, but looking for advice . Could the Queen be gone altogether, if so...