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  1. D

    Low cost Beehives from China

    Air China or Cathay Pacific?
  2. D

    where to put apiguard?

    Api-life-var and Apivar are totally different. Bit like privet and pivot.
  3. D

    Hefting The Hive..

    You can't. This spring I had quite a lot of frames of solid ivy honey left in the brood boxes. It's not impossible for bees to use set honey but they need to do more work so not ideal in winter. You can still check your brood box now to assess the state of the stores.
  4. D

    Hefting The Hive..

    I'm sorry if my comments appear to have gone over your head. If you had said "some people may have difficulty lifting a hive" I don't see a problem, but to make assumptions based purely on age and occupation is quite insulting.
  5. D

    Hefting The Hive..

    Well you seem to be assuming that because I am over 60 and have not been a manual labourer, that I must be incapable of lifting a hive.
  6. D

    Hefting The Hive..

    As someone who fits your stereotype I take great exception to your comment!
  7. D

    where to put apiguard?

    If I were you I would put the 'half' under the brood and put the apiguard on top of brood box. If you put the half with stores under they will bring it up as needed and wont waste heat going upwards. You should also put your varroa tray in when you put apiguard on otherwise vapour will just...
  8. D

    Larvae in Super

    If your hive is in its first year, and the brood box is not fully drawn, why did you decide to add a super in the first place?
  9. D

    What's this plant.?

    VERY invasive plant, swamps everything else. I think we have to accept that it's here and it is good forage, but please don't do anything to encourage it's spread, illegal in the wild I believe.
  10. D

    First time mite drop count

    Do you have any supers on? With the sort of drop you have there I would use the apiguard in mid-August time, but remove any honey for extraction first.
  11. D

    Wired Foundation Question.

    I'll take your word for it, never tried extracting unwired. I still think they will be more likely to break, and I've managed to splatter some wired ones all round the extractor.
  12. D

    Wired Foundation Question.

    Yes if you want cut comb honey order thin unwired foundation.
  13. D

    Wired Foundation Question.

    Well in that case why not just put another brood box on. The foundation should be fine in a shallow frame if you're not extracting it. You will find that you have far more honey than your bees will need in a good year.
  14. D

    Wired Foundation Question.

    You will probably find them much more prone to breakage when you spin them in an extractor. False economy in my mind. Your brood foundation will keep til next year.
  15. D

    label sizes

    I use Avery L7173 for 12 oz round jars and L7161 for 8 oz. Usually buy on ebay.
  16. D

    Lancashire needed :)

    You will get as many different answers as there are members of this forum.
  17. D

    Fame at Last for our Hot Bee Man

    Well as we've just had the hottest day ever recorded in this country should be topical!!
  18. D

    Thunder Storm's ..

    They would certainly sense the static charge in the air, bees use static to detect pollen rich flowers and get very tetchy in thundery weather.
  19. D

    Were these my bees?

    You can't always notice a reduction in numbers, but you would definitely have a queen cell somewhere. They can be well hidden
  20. D

    Bait Hive swarm - am I doing this right?

    Ideal wax drawing weather. If it were me I'd feed in three days to get comb drawn out as quick as poss.