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  1. D

    observation hive

    Have also used one of these for our local shows. Quality is good and worth the money in my opinion. Has the option to have a super frame above the brood one, although have never actually used this. QE strips to keep queen in right section.
  2. D

    Mouse poop in honey

    A warming cabinet is an invaluable piece of equipment. You are right about the temperature, should not go above 50C or 120F. If you warm honey to 35-40C it goes through strainer much quicker.
  3. D

    clipped queen swarm

    I can understand your worries, but.... it's a bit early to be able to get hold of a queen, if the cells are open it's not a guarantee that queens have emerged successfully, you'd be unlucky if both failed, and if one is successful you can recombine. I would just cross fingers and wait and...
  4. D

    clipped queen swarm

    Sealed queen cells could take up to a week to emerge, may take another 10 days to mate, few more days to start laying properly, so no point looking for three weeks.
  5. D

    Supering and spacing

    With all foundation I would go for 11 frames in a super, you can reduce to 10 or 9 once you have drawn frames. If you start with foundation and 9 you may find wild comb built between the frames. I work on 10 frames and when I want to introduce new foundation I alternate drawn frames and foundation.
  6. D

    Bait hive stand

    Ditto re position. Only 1 swarm in 4 years.
  7. D

    Frame feeder

    If you've just put the nuc into a full size box probably best not to fill the whole box in one go. Give them a couple of frames of foundation to be getting on with, then a dummy board. Add more foundation as they use the existing frames. By the time you get to the last one probably won't need...
  8. D

    Hive autopsy

    I would advise that you try to obtain a nuc from a trusted supplier in your local branch rather than a swarm. A swarm is an unknown quantity and some can be very strong and aggressive; not the sort of colony you would want to start with.
  9. D

    Hive autopsy

    Not in picture 3, and the top frame in pic 6 doesn't appear to be a hoffman, so no proper spacing.
  10. D

    Hive autopsy

    Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but it would have been a good idea to let an experienced beekeeper give the hive the once over. It looks a mess to me, frame spacing all over the place, old dirty comb, can't work out what a couple of the pics are supposed to be of. No pics of the dead bees on...
  11. D

    Shrub Id

    That looks like wild charlock to me. Common weed of cultivated land, related to rape.
  12. D

    Newbie, about to jump in to the deep end

    Possibly, but out of context and without background knowledge I suspect most if it would be meaningless. Much better to start with a beginner's book I suggest.
  13. D

    Newbie, about to jump in to the deep end

    'War and Peace' may prove to be less of a challenge.
  14. D

    Which hive

    You'll get as many answers to that question as there are types of hive!! They all work, which is why there are so many around. My own choice is 14 x 12 in cedar, if I were starting again now I would seriously consider getting poly hives. There is not really a beginner's hive, what works best...
  15. D

    can i look inside?

    They also told us snow was on the way! Sounds about right, back in December they called it winter and the temperature hit the high teens....
  16. D

    Crystallized Honey

  17. D

    Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

    You missed the point. **** - Drone!!!!! Get it? He Bee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. D

    Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

    Isn't that a drone?
  19. D

    Replacing fondant feeding containers

    Yes you need an eke if you are going to put fondant straight on top of the frames
  20. D

    Changing to 14x12

    I made some extensions like those in Millets pics a few years ago, but wouldn't bother if I were doing it again now. You could consider a Bailey frame change or a shook swarm as another way of doing it.