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  1. D

    Position of Apiguard

    You can get an eke from Paynes that makes it 14x12, can also be used for apiguard application.
  2. D

    Aggressive bees

    Are you a member of our local branch? If not suggest you join, if you already are get in touch with one of us and someone can come and take a look at your colony and assess it and give you advice? Where in N Soms are you ?
  3. D

    Catch a swarm THIS weekend?? !!

    I've not opened any of mine yet, and have no intention of doing so until this cold wind drops and the temp rises. I'd be amazed if any were thinking about swarming just yet,..... but then again bees have an infinite capacity to amaze!!
  4. D

    Move super tomorrow from below to above BB

    Couldn't have put it better. Dictionary classes super used in beekeeping context as a noun, so it remains a super regardless of position. If I have a pile of empty supers in my shed and the top one is a super, and the bottom one is a nadir, what shall I call the ones in between? Especially...
  5. D

    Honey from fondant ??

    Just a suggestion on feeding fondant; I put it in a plastic takeaway container inverted over feed hole in the crown board. No need for an eke then and no room to build all that brace comb.
  6. D

    Living near a golf course?

    Utter rubbish. You are living in a deluded past that never really existed then
  7. D

    Living near a golf course?

    My bees are close to the course I play so I often look out for them. On the hazel catkins right now, soon move onto the flowering cherries, hawthorn bramble etc. The area of closely cut and treated grass is a very small percentage of the total area covered by the course. Most chemical...
  8. D

    Words fail me 2: Beecraft magazine

    From my reading of it Beecraft comment on the fact that The Daily Telegraph got the picture wrong? Correction, I was looking at the wrong link; hover fly in their video
  9. D

    National hive roof

    Would recommend a deeper 6" or 8" roof in preference to 4" that comes with most hive packs. Room for feeder and insulation without an eke.
  10. D

    Washing soda

    Don't think the concentration is critical but I put about two thirds of a packet in 5L of water. I use an old MAQS container half full of this to keep my hives tools in, this means they are always clean to use when I get to the apiary, a scouring pad in the tub helps for cleaning off anything I...
  11. D

    Cell size

    BBKA guidelines for judging say the opposite, cut comb honey: "...worker foundation preferred to drone foundation...."
  12. D

    Shelf Life Guidelines?

    I do similar, main label doesn't change but use a second smaller label with Apiary, Batch number and best before. Use a sheet of small Avery labels to produce these, dead easy.
  13. D

    Sugar Prices

    42p at Lidl a couple of weeks ago, don't know if still the same
  14. D

    frame direction

    With open floors makes no difference. It just depends whether you want to work at the side or the rear of the hive, it's very awkward to work frames if they are aligned in the direction you are facing.
  15. D

    What is this disease

    :iagree: However if you have concerns it would be best to contact your local bee inspector. That is what they are for. They would rather come and reassure that it is a false alarm, than have an outbreak start unreported.
  16. D

    Never seen the queen.

    I had a new queen through supersedure in one hive last August. I finally spotted her last week!
  17. D

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I have had three hives go inexplicably queenless this year. First one thought maybe I'd accidentally squished her, second one thought I can't have done that twice, third one can't have done it three times! All definitely queenless as emergency cells produced.
  18. D

    BBKA Website and Tree Bumbles

    Yes more calls for tree bumbles than swarms by far this year. If not too far away I try to go round just to reassure people they are ok and explain life cycle of bumble bee. I've also printed off a few copies of info sheet from bumble trust so people have some info to refer to. Takes up a bit...
  19. D

    General info- how quuens work

    Absolutely none! as erica says it's the workers that control the queen.
  20. D

    Shrubs covered in honey bees at Lidl car park in Goole

    Interestingly there is a cotoneaster just up the road with open white flowers with hardly any bees on, whereas the horizontalis, that has almost insignificant flowers is crawling with them.