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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. A

    bees in compost bin

    ok thanks for your help i triy and be more cler in the fucher
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    bees in compost bin

    ok got some bee in a coppost bin i move the bee in to nuc of the lid of bin and went back at 9 bee in nuk closed up nuk moved and smoked the bin and it was as if more bee wer in the compost is it likey as i cut out cone of lid it had eeg and that went in the nuc on a frame so i plaised the nuk...
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    What is your worst experience re: bee behaviour

    5 sting to the head run like a mad man but i still love them they where in side to just out zip not shut the hive was re queen
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    swarm from tree

    somke the tree to lose the sent i think
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    Home Made Smoker

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    help bee in a coppost bin

    ok got some bee in a coppost bin i move the bee in to nuc of the lid of bin and went back at 9 bee in nuk closed up nuk moved and smoked the bin and it was as if more bee wer in the compost is it likey as i cut out cone of lid it had eeg and that went in the nuc on a frame so i plaised the nuk...
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    Swarm Collection needed in London ASAP

    duz london not have a associations of beeks
  8. bees


  9. IMG 7955

    IMG 7955

  10. IMG 7943

    IMG 7943

  11. IMG 7995

    IMG 7995

  12. lo 8235

    lo 8235

  13. lo 8240

    lo 8240

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    nucs in hitchin

    more info Hi there, confessed beeks here... Due to lack of spare hive parts, I'm looking at selling two nuc's, made up from swarms. Comes with brood and stores and will come on National frames. You will be welcome to handle the bees before you buy. 5 frame nuc, if they are on more than 5...
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    Be gentle my first picture

    wot a grate shoot
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    If you had to give me just one piece of advice........

    wot up with top bee hives
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    uesd national kit wanted hitchin

    has some one got any national brood boxes or kit for sale uesd not new
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    Colony removal

    lots of smoke and banging will do the job skep on to or hive to march in to
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    Intro & are qcells always capped before swarming?

    apiary do attract swarms i had one last mouth a nice prime swarm