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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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    id like to swap a nuk of bees for some kit

    yes thank magic is the gold the bee bring home
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    misc equipment for sale inc extractor, bottling tank

    is this all new and wot tipe of wood thanks
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    bees underatack by wasps

    ok how do i do this im open to iders that work
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    bees underatack by wasps

    nice work look thanks im satring war against wasp from now on
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    bees underatack by wasps

    there must be more i can do to stop the basterd wasps going in to my hive ive taped up all but one bee space but they still go in and out. on satuday im planning to unite and start a war on wasps
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    Swarm Collected Today

    how about one more safe clolany
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    Swarm Collected Today

    if that the way you look at it not for me thow
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    Swarm Collected Today

    i had on this week to it a bit late in the seeson for swarm know i think
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    wasps in hive

    yes a attacked when i opend up more wasps came out then bees i closed the entrance to one bee space and still wasps go in and out lots milling around bee hives bee are reacting to them by being bad temperd. but they have stores for now if i fined the same next week i will unite with a swarm i have.
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    wasps in hive

    i have wasps in one of my hives 10 or 15 at entrance wot can i do is it best to unite so i have a full hive of is it best to move the hive?
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    Supersedure photo

    nice imaged wot will you do now will they not swarm i now the wing's clipt,?
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    Mouse gaurd

    how about the wosp geting in
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    should there be capping?

    your right
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    should there be capping?

    you right
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    moving a hive

    new hive awates i have a nuc that needs the oil hive
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    moving a hive

    I'd like to move a colony to a new location and I'd like to know can I put them into a new brood box so I can take away my old one? Or would it be best to leave them for a day in their current hive to acclimatise?
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    Double brood box full and loads of capped brood- Swarm potential

    brake all cups and scels, will help and keep a eye out, dont miss an inspextion good luck
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    how to hive a swarm in a nuc

    Im a new beek and id like to now wot im chatting about, so a good size swarm yes there all good to me as a new be ok so marked queen prime thanks all. love the image of bees on fence