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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. A

    5 nuc wanted with out bees

    i mead my own £17 each from new ply
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    The chinese bee

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    Disc Entrance QX too small.

    iv not had a prob with them
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    Decided to call it a day then they swarmed - what next

    How To Hive A Swarm her is all you need to know How To Hive A Swarm good luck with them
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    Bees swarmed at 3.00pm today (London SE7) - advice needed

    hay i have the some with your blog i cant see wher to follow ? look like we love the some things the good life best andre
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    Bees swarmed at 3.00pm today (London SE7) - advice needed

    have a look on my blog or give me a call on 07958655962 i can help you strow it
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    Free Wild flower seeds

    Thank you
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    Migrating from commercial to 14x12 frames

    May I ask what your reason is for coming away from using a commercial hive? I'm currently using Nationals and was thinking of moving over to commercial to give more space rather than going double brood. Thanks
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    Swarm of bees removal service

    when you say fast wots fast about it ?
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    Swarm Help Please

    How to catch a wild swarm of bees... \ have a look at this blog
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    Free co-op seeds

    nice one thanks
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    Buckfast Queen

    ok wers the best plais to get a Buckfast queen from
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    Free wild flower seeds!!

    where can you get them from ?
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    First swarm - and at night. Suggestions?

    :iagree: good luck hope you got them
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    when to add supers

    Thanks all I'll be supering this weekend. Cheers
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    when to add supers

    in bloom
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    when to add supers

    I'm sure my bees are on the osr just down the road can I add a super Question two: Hives have lots of stores can I leave one frame and remove the rest? As I don't want fondant honey.... TIAbee-smillie