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  1. T

    Recycling brood wax?

    I don't waste any frames, they all get steamed out in brood boxes which conveniently are sterilized at the same time. All the rendered wax goes to Thornes for exchange. It pays hands down to do this part but cleaning and re using brood frames is a waste of time, far cheaper to buy seconds at £30...
  2. T

    Getting old

    I use National broods for all my hives which is a great system but when the boxes get to 5 or 6 high it can be a problem for me now as my knees are not good. One total knee replacement so far and another on the horizon. I have looked at mechanical means but everything is either clumsy or needs a...
  3. T

    Extracting National Deep Frames

    I run everything on National brood (you should see my biceps!) and use a Lyson Layens 4 frame tangential (std) that came from Abelo some years ago. Great machine but oh so slow compared to radial. I also always use wired frames.
  4. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I got notice from one of my landowners to move my hives today, hubbie has become very allergic to bee stings to the point he ended up in a and e. Not anaphylaxis thankfully. So I took this afternoon off and prepared them all for removal, I still have 5 deeps of honey over clearer boards to...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I had to get a move on today so I was up at the out apiaries fairly early. It was cold, cloudy and there is the tail end of the June gap for what it is and boy were they a grumpy lot. All over me like a cloud trying to get in my suit any way they could. Jobs to be done completed I went to...
  6. T

    Back to the bees

    For the first time in 18 months or so I am back at the bees, this time with no limitations thanks to a total knee replacement in January and what a joy it is to be 'normal' again, whatever that is! What is not normal, at least for me is the sheer volume of honey they are producing this year...
  7. T

    Sublimox vs Varrox safety

    Joking aside I have worked for very many years in horticulture, both under cover and field scale operations and am also fully trained in the correct and legal use/application of chemicals. Poisoning however caused is not a laughing matter and those that treat this seriously are to be commended...
  8. T

    Sublimox vs Varrox safety

    Well it's lunch time so I am sitting here reading this and I happen to have a packet of Api bioxal in front of me (not sprinkled on my sarnies by the way!). The packet directions indicate an EN149 FFP2 mask, gloves and eye protection for vaporization and handling the powder. Personally I use...
  9. T

    6 frame nuc which can be divided into two

    I concur with Finman - not worth taking 3's through winter get them into 5's or 6's before winter and they are almost guaranteed to get through and get a honey crop after. I have a fair few home made nucs and Paynes nucs which I use but am coming to loath, especially that feeder. Maybe...
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    Abelo varroa tester 3 in 1

    If you haven't watched this I urge you to. Randy Oliver talking about his varroa work with quite a large section on sampling for mites. It seems that there is not much academic research on sugar shakes/rolls and he is making further enquiries into this which will be fascinating to follow. I too...
  11. T

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Finally got around to moving the double stacked hives this morning that I have been going to move for the last couple of months. Now everything is where it should be. It won't last long.........
  12. T

    Nuc weights for winter

    Thank you all, very useful information.
  13. T

    Nuc weights for winter

    Has anybody got a target weight for 6 frame poly nucs going into winter? I am hefting at the moment but my nucs are increasing in number each year and there has to be a more scientific way of approaching this.
  14. T

    Beekeeping reflections

    Care to explain why? I much prefer the migratory roof and the slightly larger brood would be a bonus, plus as I make most of my own equipment they are an easier box to construct.
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    Beekeeping reflections

    11 or 12 years now - everyday spent beekeeping is a lesson. The trick is not to keep repeating the mistakes! If I knew then what I know now I would be using Langstroths without a doubt but I have too much invested now in Nationals. However I love beekeeping more than ever now.
  16. T

    sublimox varroa oxalic acid vaporiser

    I use the Provap 220 which is a great bit of kit. It still amazes me how quickly I can go through an apiary of 10 - 20 hives, bung the kit back into the van and on to the next one. I would imagine that the sublimox is similar but I do like my digital read out.
  17. T

    2nd’s pine boxes

    You may have common sense, but having seen our neighbours burn down a full stable block (horses out thankfully) with a stupidly close bonfire I am not sure that a large section of the general public have!🤣
  18. T

    2nd’s pine boxes

    I have used Osmo decking treatment which seems to work wonders on ply boxes - the Osmo is free to me as leftovers from decking jobs (I am a landscape contractor) and I can put up with the extra weight of ply because for me they are cheap. I have just done a quick back of *** packet calc and a...
  19. T

    Melting old wax in a Thornes warming cabinet

    As Kaz above, steam is the only really effective way to extract wax from brood frames. It is surprising how much you can recover with this method vs a vs the others.
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    Finding site

    I have been fantastically lucky this year as I picked up an apiary through a good friend and it turned out that the lady who owns the site has 'connections'! Now I am getting superb sites offered to me that I don't have enough bees for. It does seem that you need to get known by the land owning...