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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. L

    Wire Wooden Framed Queen Excluder - New - £10!

    But the bee space is on both sides....lowering manufacturing costs.
  2. L

    Abelo oxalic acid strips

    I've just seen on the Abelo website oxalic acid strips "for sterilising and improving the condition of the hive". Can any one explain what this means?
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    Abelo varroa floor with wire screen
  4. L

    Abelo varroa floor with wire screen

    Just seen this on abelo website, wire screen.... not mesh? Any ideas? Looks very smooth surface compere to mesh screen.
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    Abelo crown boards

    and travelling screen for me:)
  6. L

    Any skep makers?

    Most beekeepers whinging on this forum probably have never had any hives from Abelo or seen any honey in the hives. Perhaps, not the hive the problem .....:sifone:
  7. L

    Poly roofs

    Thanks for the info. I understand what you're saying about the different sized frames. I spoke to Abelo this morning and took the plunge and ordered 5 hives with frames and foundations. The frames are the standard deep and shallow Langstroth available from UK suppliers.
  8. L

    Poly roofs

    Langstroth hive with roof reinforcements...looks good. I'm thinking of getting one.
  9. L

    Anyone in the market for poly nucs?

    Probably 1 in stock only.
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    Konigin Machines

    My uncapper from 2018 is excellent and fast! 2 choice of motor speed. How old is your machine?
  11. L

    Abelo commercial nucs. Seriously unimpressed !

    ,,After driving 5hrs to collect them they best not think I'm paying for the return postage'' Driving 5hr to to save on shipping £6.50:sifone:??? Well done!! PS This is not a Langstroth box.
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    Apivar sales

  13. L

    Tradex ''on or off''

    See you all tomorrow except PH:icon_204-2::icon_204-2::icon_204-2:
  14. L

    Maisie's Poly sale.

    How long ago was it (your mold made?) My experience is different from yours. Do you have Abelo National poly hives??
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    Maisie's Poly sale.

    Well, that sounds very, very strange to me. Can you please send a link to the Lyson website with Smith poly equipment??
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    Maisie's Poly sale.

  17. L


    In Italy (without a spare o rings) € 380,00 Denmark (Swienty) € 417,00 France (Thomas) € 417,80
  18. L

    Pile of dead bees

  19. L

    Pile of dead bees

    Which do you feed your bees on ambrosia/invertbee or sugar syrup?
  20. L

    sublimation kit

    3M 4277 Organic/Inorganic Vapour/Particulate Respirator