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  1. B

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    The "last one" worked well. Bees built more comb in the gaps ---- the Q was on comb and laying.
  2. B

    Old comb

    I have my hives "warm way" with a full width entrance. I place the frame to be changed next to the entrance. Any brood on it is raised by the bees. My Qs do not lay in this first frame. Once the brood has gone, the frame goes above the crown board. By reducing the crown board hole to a 2 bee...
  3. B

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Made up a holder for sheets of wild comb from 2 frames. My last one was easy to load. Not checked its progress yet.
  4. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Responses. Yes, the top clearer board is reversed. The large holes are on the underside and the exit holes are topside. Weather .... I choose when I set the stack up. I want flying conditions during the 24 hours. Robbing .... When taking the stack away I would have expected to see robbers...
  5. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Beekake ..... I like the off hive system of clearing bees. At a convenient place in the apiary, I set up a stand. On the stand goes a knock-up floor which is open front and back. Above this goes a clearer board for the bees to go DOWN. Now comes 4 or 5 supers of honey and bees. Topping this is...
  6. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Tried to check a colony of BB and 3 supers. Loads of bees but started getting defensive. I added a prepared drawn super and closed up. As I was leaving the apiary, I noticed another hive of BB and 3 supers was bearding. I will have to prepare a super to go on it.
  7. B

    Dealing with wild comb

    Dealing with wild comb. I had a problem with sheets of wild comb in a bait hive. I tried the usual method of transferring a sheet into an empty frame with rubber bands but had problems. I posted a help request on One of the members posted a u-tube video of how he...
  8. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    A Long Gap I checked a hive that I had done nothing at since early July. I found a Brood Box full of bees with a fair amount of capped brood and nectar in a lot of empty cells. No sign of swarming. The single super was very heavy. I gave another super of empty drawn comb.. I am hoping that the...
  9. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    On the 14th of July, I posted that I had done a paper combine of a Drone Laying hive with a Q+ hive. I checked the hive yesterday and found the Q still alive and BIAS. The paper had been held down above the Q+ super with an excluder. There were a lot of dead drones on this excluder. Sorted the...
  10. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Did a paper combine of my Drone Laying Worker hive with a Q+ hive. I know it's not the recommended way but I'm hoping that the Q+ hive will get a boost now the flows are starting.
  11. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Transferred last week's prime swarm to a National Brood box. Had built out foundation frames. Entrance watching hadn't shown any pollen incoming but when transferring frames saw some bees with pollen baskets. Thinking about brood raising ??
  12. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Not a good week for me. Wednesday .... Captured a prime swarm that had arrived mid-day. Took it back home. Thurs and Fri .... had the odd follower giving me a warning when in the area. Hope the trait doesn't continue. Fri ... Inspected a hive at the out-apiary. Had hoped for a nice new Q...
  13. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    30/6/17 Brought home a bait hive from a friends that had bees going in and out for 2 weeks. 1/7/17 Checked the bait hive and found a swarm in residence, 4 sheets of wild comb built down from the roof. Transferred 2 largest sheets into empty frames with rubber bands. Awkward because the new comb...
  14. B

    first swarm collection

    When I have got the swarm in a box, I watch the entrance of the box. Bees moving in and fanning going on usually indicates that the Q is in the box. I now leave the box containing the swarm (with an open entrance) on a stack of milk crates several meters away from the swarm roost. I hang an air...
  15. B

    Cheap solar melter

    I had a translucent storage box (not as a melter). The material became brittle in sunlight.
  16. B

    SWARM REPORT... hows it goimg in your area

    The local councils refer callers about bees to the BBKA website. Lost one swarm from my hives. Got one swarm in a bait hive. Collected another swarm. Attended another swarm but was unable to collect. A lot of calls about Tree Bumbles.
  17. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    No joy with swarms. Prime swarm still hanging since Tuesday. Too high in a tree in the apiary. Called to a swarm around an alarm bell. Would need ladder ... not for me. Tried bucket on a pole but Q must have been in the recess between top of alarm and roof edging board.
  18. B

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    No joy with swarms. Prime swarm still hanging since Tuesday. Too high in a tree in the apiary. Called to a swarm around an alarm bell. Would need ladder ... not for me. Tried bucket on a pole but Q must have been in the recess between top of alarm and roof edging board.
  19. B

    American foul brood

    I'm not up to speed on the latest way of treating an AFB incident. With the 3km notification, does this include the instruction not to move bees or equipment out of your apiary until the BI gives you the all clear ?
  20. B

    Engine oil

    In the past, I have used the creosote/old engine oil mix. Stopped using it because it transferred to bee suit during manipulations.