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  1. B

    Vandalism (Manchester)

    In the past I have had hives vandalized at my out apiary. Before school holidays I check that the fence is secure. I strap each hive through the stand and over the crown board. When such a hive is pushed over it stays mainly together and bees have a better chance of surviving. I also have a...
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    Snelgrove Board Mesh Hole Size

    This thread is in the beginners section and has spread out beyond the original question. I don't feel guilty about submitting this post. I haven't used my Snelgrove for years. In use, I found it difficult to examine the lower brood box. Lifting off a Snelgrove, a 14 x 12 brood box and the...
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    14x12 to standard brood box

    Once I had transferred the bees to a National Brood box, I cut down the 14 x 12 box, and frames (with drawn comb) to National size.
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    How does varroa know the difference between a drone cell and worker cell.

    Chemical Attractant I have read that varroa are attracted by a chemical in drone cells. Memory fails but I think it was a phallate used in paper manufacture. There was info about it in a back issue of Bee Culture. Someone designed a sticky trap baited with the chemical.
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    Direct Debit Transfer ...... Moan

    Update Alldigging ..... I cannot remember doing a paper mandate form for any of my direct debits. Any set ups or transfers have been done online or by phone to customer service at the recipient firm/organisation. When I phoned service at Pop I got no joy with the level 1 operator. I asked to...
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    Direct Debit Transfer ...... Moan

    I recently opened a Santander 1-2-3 current account. One of the conditions was that the account should have 2 direct debits on it. I arranged for my monthly Council Tax as one. No problem. At the same time I asked Pop Telecom to transfer my direct debit to the Santander account. Only weeks...
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    Mouseguards on poly hives

    I use a DIY mouseguard on my wooden Nationals which have a full width entrance. It is a strip of perforated metal (from the scrapyard). The perforations are too small for a bee to get through. Using push pins, the strip goes across the entrance but leaving a space below the bottom edge that the...
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    Asian Hornet Devon 2017

    I agree with JC47 comment about being kept in the dark. I can't find a reference for Icanhopit's information. There is nothing recent on Beebase.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Watched a hive entrance for a while. Pollen and some balsam coming in. Some drones being allowed in and out.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked the Q less box that I had combined with a better tempered hive. Temper was much better. Plenty of stores. Must have been a battle. Dead bees on the ground in front of the hive. Not worried. Less bees to feed through the winter. Plenty of stores for a normal winter.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I had a collected swarm from several weeks ago. Following and defensive. Some weeks ago I made it Q-. Destroyed all the subsequent capped Q cells. Yesterday, did a paper unite with a better tempered Q+ colony. I am hoping that the pheromones from the Q+ colony will calm things down.
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    A few questions now that the honey is extracted

    In respect of Q 1. I have started to feed wet cappings on one of my hives. The hive is a BB and 2 supers. Above these I have placed a Brother Adam type of feeder with the central cap removed. The tray part of the feeder is covered with half an inch of cappings. The bees have access to the wet...
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    I don't use the metal sieves. I scrape the cappings on the honey with an un-capping fork. This makes small flakes of wax that go into the honey in my extractor. The honey from the extractor is drained through a DIY sieve which uses the mesh that tangerines are packed in. The mix of honey, air...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Further to my post of 3/9/17 when I was Q hunting with no joy. I went back to the hive and set up an excluder system. Checked and shook 11 frames onto the excluder without success. Finally,gently smoking the excluder, I spot the Q in a corner of the eke. She is now no more. I note that the...
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Made a visit to try for second time to find the Q in a collected swarm. She is there --- BIAS. She is to be culled but no joy. Planning a break, then another visit to put the bees through an excluder. It will be Sod's Law that I set everything up and then easily spot the Q on a frame.
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    looking to get a hive

    Halifax and District BKA run a course in the Spring.
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    Any thoughts on using Acetic Acid 80% ??
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    fold away hive stands

    Put your mind to my problem. Each year I set out bait hives ( modified old WBC broods ) at different locations. At present each hive goes on a stack of 3 or 4 milk crates. I would prefer some sort of equivalent stand which would take up less space in the car.
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    Bait boxes / swarm traps advise please

    The Langstroth frames with a space below them sounds like a Bushkill Swarm Trap. There is a video of it on U-tube. One of the features of this trap is that the bees may draw extra comb leaves down from the bottom bars. You then have the problem of dealing with unwired soft new comb.
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    Bl##dy Hornets.

    I hope they are European hornets ? I have heard that if you trap them, then release towards dusk they are more likely to head towards the nest.