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  1. Jenxy

    My Bee's in New Hive

    The pics are great. So is the hive. Nice one! :)
  2. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    She most certainly is nowhere to be seen now, and I spent as long as I could searching for her yesterday, and again today. I was given a frame of brood today, that is now in there, eggs, larva and new bees emerging from cells, so hopefully it will get a bit busier. I am going to leave well alone...
  3. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    OK, so I am not going to win any photography prizes, but I am just learning, so please forgive the blurriness..
  4. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    There was larva in a few cells early last week... when I say a "few" I mean about 4 or 5 ish. These I think are what have been capped as queen cells, so I would be very reluctant to open one up to see if that's right... it would feel like a waste and not something I would want to try as a...
  5. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    OK, I did a real thorough inspection... though not too much to inspect I have to say.... No sign of queenie again, as there are so few bees, I would have spotted her. There is no brood at all, capped or otherwise.... quite a lot of stores, a small amount of pollen... and around five queen...
  6. Jenxy

    Bee Excrement & Neighbours

    Poison your bees???? I have never heard anything so small minded... I bet some of these people have dogs that poo, or cats that poo where they are not supposed to. I wonder how they would react if someone threatened to poison their pets. Some people make me sick... I feel for the predicament you...
  7. Jenxy

    A few swine flu jokes!

    I heard they had a cure for it now.... " oinkment" :)
  8. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    The colony is quite small, it only covers 2-3 frames at most. The queen wasn't clipped when she was marked. I will have a good look for her the next chance I get and report back when I have.
  9. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    Jon, Yes royal jelly... can't see any brood... but I may be seeing it wrong. Have not had a chance to open up in two days... not getting home till 6.30 and the weather is really poor. Will do it tomorrow eve and see if I can see anything. So If queenie turns up, what should I do about the two...
  10. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    My new bees were put into there new hive yesterday. Sadly I think the queen has dissapeared, she was nowhere to be seen, despite being marked last week. However, there are two queen cells, unsealed, on one of the frames, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that all will be well. They have been...
  11. Jenxy

    Metal frame wanted for a cold uncapping tray

    Can you not copy what they have got and make something similar? (I don't know what one looks like, Is it very complicated?)
  12. Jenxy

    the things you find on ebay

    Anyone that sells fishy drawers for £15 quid a go is certainly no "lady" :)
  13. Jenxy

    Reading test

    I rd taht whti no polbrme @ awl.
  14. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    Brilliant pics Veg.... I must try and get a couple of mine. I too am admiring your stand, very practical. I dunno about beekeeping courses... am thinking I should book myself up a carpentry one. :)
  15. Jenxy

    Yeee haaa

    I am one very happy girl... My bees arrived last night, a very small swarm... The guy had reservations about the presence of a queen... he hadn't been able to spot her, so this morning, my own worries crept in until a very local beek came down, found her, marked her for me.... now all is well in...
  16. Jenxy

    Black honey bees.

    That went right over my head... Did I miss something???
  17. Jenxy

    Black honey bees.

    AMC? I just looked on Admins list of beginners acronyms, I was hoping to avoid asking what that is... but it's not on there.. Please tell me more.
  18. Jenxy

    Black honey bees.

    Do they come with stripy towels????? :)
  19. Jenxy

    Black honey bees.

    So if they are German bees, they might well be a little "ancy"then. I was hoping that my first experience would be quite a gentle/ calm affair. Ah well, the best laid plans and all that....
  20. Jenxy

    Black honey bees.

    Thanks Frogdiver, the guy bringing them here told me he did get a sting from one of them today, but he say's he's old school and doesn't wear all the "garb" so I guess that's not bad going. I'm lucky that's it's a small swarm, it will give me the chance to get to know them without feeling too...