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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Bob Bee

    Happykeeper Floor opinions

    I have experiences of rescuing colonies kept on these floors, all had gaps that let wasps in, all got propolised in the wrong position and the colonies got so unhappy that the owners asked me to remove them.
  2. dna uk average larger

    dna uk average larger

  3. dna uk average

    dna uk average

  4. DNA


  5. Bob Bee

    Suspect package bee supplier

    Thread removed due a threat of legal action. Admin.
  6. Bob Bee

    Bait Hives

    This and 200 mtrs from your hives, is about all you need to know, sunny spot helps. I have two spots done like this that attracts 3 and sometimes 4 swarms every year (occasionally one of them is mine...).
  7. Bob Bee

    Robert Jones, bee farmer from Pembrokeshire

    If Robert's on the forum, thanks for a really refreshing presentation (both of them) at the bipCo day on Saturday. I too enjoyed the B4 Pie charts :-)
  8. Bob Bee

    Bee improvement day Cornwall BipCo

    BipCo would like to invite beekeepers to the 3rd Annual Bee Improvement Day A one-day event organised by the Bee Improvement Programme for Cornwall (BIPCo) To be held at Dobwalls Memorial Hall, Higher Meadow, Dobwalls PL14 6LS Saturday 25th January 2014 Commencing 9.30am (for 10.00) until...
  9. Bob Bee

    3rd Bee Annual Improvement Cornwall Day.

    Full Programme now Available at [email protected]
  10. Bob Bee

    whats in honey/what is honey

    new clarification on pollen being a part opf honey as opposed to an added ingredient and the removal of the GM nonsense. Parliament-clarifies-labelling-rules-for-honey-if-contaminated-by-GM-pollen...
  11. Bob Bee

    whats in honey/what is honey

  12. Bob Bee

    Varroa drop 20 per day

    I did Oxalic trickle on most hives on 3 sites yesterday. The strongest colony was the only one I checked in any detail and it was broodless. I did it in Mid January last year because there hadn't been a frost before Christmas. I cant find a definite defining factor for broodless-ness in Cornwall...
  13. Bob Bee

    How far do you travel to visit your hives ?

    My sites are a half mile, 3 miles, 4 miles, 8 miles and 18 miles from home, I usually do a round trip of 38 miles to visit them all. The base where I do most work (biggest shed and store) is at 3 miles.
  14. Bob Bee

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Met a PHd student from the sustainability unit at Exeter university who is going to monitor winter mite drop and treatment on two colonies over the next few months. and made up some swarm boards for next season from recycled ply.
  15. swarm boards

    swarm boards

  16. Student


  17. Bob Bee

    3rd Bee Annual Improvement Cornwall Day.

    They have changed their address it should now read: For further details email [email protected]
  18. Bob Bee

    3rd Bee Annual Improvement Cornwall Day.
  19. Bob Bee

    Wiring frames

    If you wire fairly tightly to the foundation the bees will bury it in the comb as they draw it, I've done it off and on over the years and the frames extract just fine. You can also use fishing line if you don't have stainless wire and as long as its kept tight when fitted they will do the same.
  20. Bob Bee

    Oxalic use by date

    They look pristine, crisp and clear. Very tempted to use them again this year.