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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    elf and safety

    Hello Heather Have you carried out the same process for your association apiary? If you have then you only need to go through the same questions again with an out-apiary bias. For example if you have a first aid kit at your association apiary - you need qualified first aiders to mitigate your...
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    Making your own wax frames

    Thxxxes used to do a roller system complete with tray. If they still do, when you see the price, you'll recind your concept re making life easy for the bees!
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    How to scare a beekeeper - good for a laugh

    Solution GScot !! Just spotted your underlining problem. You live in Scotland? Scottish Police?? Wouldn't have happened in England???????????? (Note to admin - you need to provide a smilee that stretches across the page?) Seriously now (and I'm not saying this because you are scots but...
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    How to scare a beekeeper - good for a laugh

    It matters not that you gave them some stick. Ordinary plod in a panda do not have the powers to seize your motor . It has to be a suitably qualified officer. more power to your appeal. All it takes is a letter ? nothing to lose ? give it a go and report back?
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    How to scare a beekeeper - good for a laugh

    Sorry your reply appeared whilst I was posting my reply It was the breaker who damanded the £150 for uplifting the van. The police dont have funds to cover this This is misleading. The police engage their preferred supplier to take your motor off the road. This is invariably a "tow truck"...
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    How to scare a beekeeper - good for a laugh

    There is no such thing as " a producer" as in : [I]that may have persuaded them to issue a producer.[/I] I did some recovery work for sussex plod on this revenue stream and if the driver has no insurance then orf to the pound it goes! No producers! Police have statutory powers to seize a...
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    what to spend my christmas money on?

    yes I agree with the "wait" advice. Thxxxxs especially do deals on this specific item and I bought a cracker at the local Thxxxxs sale. I personally would not touch an ebay extractor as you could buy a right pup. Even if sound mechanically, the bodies are damage magnets and unless you can bid...
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    Merry christmas everybody!!!!

    Hello all Very Merry Christmas to one and all. My advice for what it is worth is to not enter into the champagne breakfasts before accepting the challenge for a bout of Wii Donkey Kong. If anyone knows how to get diddy kong off Donkeys back (ohh err missus ) I would love to know? Looking...
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    Woodpecker damage -

    how about welded wire galv mesh, a variety of sizes on a roll - I use 600 wide and cut it 1200 high. different mesh sizes available but 25 x 25 will keep The Arnold Schwarzeneggers out . Get some tanalised 25 x 18 timber batten and make some square sections to suit the mesh size. Staple the...
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    Split Brood Method

    I believe that this method is used by a scots bee-keeper who keeps many bees on the west side of glasgow (80 sets?). He also only uses National Brood for all his boxes (no super sizes) and in summer introduces two additional brood into the middle. The benefits are in that his "super" frames...
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    Bee Stings

    The real answer is there is not one ? As suggested, any case would be decided on "probabilities" and "reason" - not exactly fully defined within English law methinks? The detail of the case would centre on the activities & considerations of the relevant parties - which is where your groundwork...
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    Shook Swarm

    Artificial swarm otherwise known as shook Shaken not stirred (See still got it??) FB
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    Plywood hive

    This says it all. If you put the effort in (if you have the inclination) plus the time, tools, patience, budget etc to make an excellent job, the result will last longer. This is a basic concept that applies beyond bee-keeping. To clear up a point, shuttering ply is WBP - just an inferior...
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    Do you need to carry a epipen.

    they are prescription only - so yes you need to see your GP. As to cost - as a prescription only item, the cost is whatever you pay for your prescriptions. A word of warning here. The epipens are date stamped with an expiry "best before" date. Make sure that your chemist does not offload old...
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    Do you need to carry a epipen.

    I wouldn't want to seem picky :rofl:- but why are the previous two posts timed at being around the 4.30 mark when the actual time i am viewing them is just after 4 just had the question answered. screen refreshed when i renewed the login and the times changed ? honest they did??:redface...
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    hive stands for sale

    "It goes over the head of some people", ahh then there is Giraffe Fart ! - which goes over the head of everybody - n'est pass?:)
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    Do you need to carry a epipen.

    I have experienced an excruciatingly bad shock today. I have bought 40 litres of petrol and paid £1.23 per litre . Would it help if my GP gave me an Epi pen? :biggrinjester:
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    Do circular saw blades "Bed in" ?

    Hi again Before I get buried in responses - some clarifications (and bear in mind my advice is aimed at the novices not intent on self-mutilation ) My machine has to have the riving knife fitted B4 you can use the guard - it mounts on it. I do appreciate that there are some cuts where the...
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    on the way I was waylaid by ebay where this is lurking I am unable to purchase this by virtue of surgical removal of necessary body parts should I even contemplate it?