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  1. bushman1872

    Bait Hive and Swarming Question

    we had similar last year a good number of bees were tooing and froing from a hole in our house wall, by the time I got home from work there was no one there I was very sad.
  2. bushman1872

    Anaphylactic shock

    law or no law black hole or not if someone has just been stung by your bees and starts making funny noises when they are breathing or has swelling around neck or face and there is an epi pen around I would use it full stop. I would not be sat thinking what if they have a heart conditon, what if...
  3. bushman1872

    I'm Not Complaining.... but...

    you say he wants his car as close to his house as poss well tell him to move it over, as I said before it appears closer to your house than his, also if that area is undesignated parking then get home early and park your car there lol. With regards to moving the bees, surely unless you move them...
  4. bushman1872

    I'm Not Complaining.... but...

    tell the guy to move his car over a bit its closer to your house than his!! Also on a completely serious note even if you do move your bees stop them flying over his car what if he still gets poop on it from other insects, is he going to come a knocking?
  5. bushman1872

    I'm Not Complaining.... but...

    it sounds like this guy is a little precious about his car. I agree with somerford how he can he prove that is not some one elses bees. By offerring chocolates etc. ( which is very kind) you are kind of admitting that it is your bees doing it and this might cause you problems down the line if he...
  6. bushman1872

    When to add a 14x12 brood box

    thanks for the replies
  7. bushman1872

    When to add a 14x12 brood box

    I am looking at swopping to 14x12 brood body for both hives. Was wondering when the best time to start this process would be bearing in mind that winter sown rape is starting to rear its head and will be in full flower by early may.
  8. bushman1872

    Barnsley Beeks

    there is indeed a barnsley beekeepers association I wrote to them recently about using some of their info on their website.
  9. bushman1872

    Dead bees.

    I did that not long ago picked up a "dead" bee with full pollen baskets that had dropped down in the grass. Picked it up put it on the car dash board as I wanted to show my son, got home took it in the house, some hours passed went to look at it again picked it up and the blessed thing started...
  10. bushman1872

    ?Failing Queen

    sorry PH, no she is a young queen mated june time last year and there appears to be plaenty of laying space at the mo. The double eggs were not in all cells probably less than a dozen. thanks
  11. bushman1872

    ?Failing Queen

    don't mean to be too rude but the original question was about more than one egg being layed in a cell not about the temperature. FYI I was happily sweating with just a t shirt on inside my bee suit!
  12. bushman1872

    ?Failing Queen

    I had a check on one of my hives today, very happy found sealed brood eggs and young larvae, however on closer inspection I found a few cells that had 2 eggs in. My question is this, is my queen failing or is this a perfectly normal thing to happen. The sealed brood does not have pronouced domes...
  13. bushman1872

    50m square of hessian for under £30

    hegerow I did have a good trawl through jewsons and travis perkins website and couln't find the stuff as I have a branch just up the road that said I don't mind because there was no postage charge supprisingly. One other website was charging 36.00 for the same amount
  14. bushman1872

    50m square of hessian for under £30

    yep untreated hessian I asked the guy before I bought stuff that had some sort of flame retardent in it lol. Hedgerow pete is right its used to cover brickwork to protect it from frost but I have bought it as smoker fuel, this much should last me yonks. size wise it is 50m2
  15. bushman1872

    50m square of hessian for under £30

    Found a place that sells hessian for 50 metres sqaure for under £30 thats inc vat and delivery email me if you want to know where from. Tho**es charge 6.33 inc vat exc. delivery for 1mx1.4m
  16. bushman1872

    Apiary location

    I agree with Tom, pop in some apiaries in juicy locations and then wait for the thieves, I believe thats called a honey trap?
  17. bushman1872

    First sting of the year

    Sounds strange but I wonder if you can get patch tested for bee stings, i'm sure if you told them that you were a beek that they might make allowances and as they won't issue epipens unless you have a proven severe reaction to them. Failing that I guess you could always visit some bees with a...
  18. bushman1872

    Re-queening question

    cheers donnie that sheds some light on things, i'm really hoping that their temper may change with a change of smoker fuel failing that I will re queen from a nuc i will be buying later on this year if they are of good temper.
  19. bushman1872

    Smoker Fuel

    does any body use no smoke? The only reason I ask is that a few days back when we had a beautiful day I went and put on some pollen patties on top of the frames. Now one lot normally has a right go at me when i do anything but they seemed pretty calm considering i had used no smoke or even syrup...