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  1. F

    Holidays, What's your plan?

    If we had a warm March then possible (two seasons ago I had them making swarm preps in mid April) but that was when OSR had flowered at start of April which it ain't going to do round me this year. You need to play it by the weather/season not by the calendar
  2. F

    Holidays, What's your plan?

    I imagine Easter egg hunts with the children will be high on agenda. No work so some sleeping as well!
  3. F

    Trapped Drones?

    Ah, now I see. Thanks
  4. F

    Trapped Drones?

    Sorry this is probably a dense question but do you put Snelgrove board on top of the top brood box, because otherwise if it's below that box the brood will be seperated and therefore not a Demaree?
  5. F

    Trapped Drones?

    JBM - do they ever build comb in the eke when you do that?
  6. F

    commercial swarm lures: Useful or useless?

    Must be something about the Beds/Bucks area B+ - had similar in the past. A swarm move in to a small colony and dißpatch incumbent queen; and one go in to the underside of its roof through a small gap in a snelgrove board. But never in to my bait hives! Suppose their unpredictability is what...
  7. F

    Worker egg laying in drone foundation

    ?? No issues last year in relation to structural strength. Wiring helps. Quite a few folk on here are foundationless.
  8. F

    My chicken coop

    Foxes take in the day - had one taken from the doorstep once whilst sat having a cup of tea. Hungry vixen a with cubs hunt 24:7. And that ladder would be up there in a flash.
  9. F

    Worker egg laying in drone foundation

    Not if a starter strip is used and the hive is level. I struggle to spot the difference to those combs where foundation has been used.
  10. F

    Worker egg laying in drone foundation

    I almost said his name but thought best to not say it out aloud! I'm sure he will be back soon.
  11. F

    Worker egg laying in drone foundation

    I don't see the point of foundation full stop. Let the bees decide
  12. F

    Did the queen make it or not?

    That's what I love about them - sign of summer. Although they can be feisty - we used to have a breeding pair nest in our porch and would regularly get dive bombed. Couldn't blame them because was old stables they used to live in until we converted them. Then one year they never returned. Very sad
  13. F

    BS Nuc

    :iagree: There is a lot of talk from people on the forum at the moment about using nuc method for swarm control without it seems realising a queen in a nuc will keep on laying.
  14. F

    Moving hives

    At this time of year as long as you have not been ripping them open propolis will provide an additional bond. I duct tape around seals just as an added precaution. With all the weight in the hives you would need to drive pretty erratically to tip it over. You will be fine.
  15. F

    Moving Hives

    Moved a colony last weekend (not something I do regularly so a bit nervy). Double strapped it and entrance and joins between crown board and floor taped up. Plus drove in my bee suit! (No veil of course). No probs, opened up entrance at new site and not one came out to say hello - was very...
  16. F


    Ditto - my Grampy always said that 'little extra' sugar he got through World War 2 kept the spirits up. He was glad to have bees then!
  17. F

    Dead Hives

  18. F

    What is your swarm plan for this season?

    You might get the first swarm but will you get the second.... I hope you have a tall ladder for when they go to the top of the tallest tree.
  19. F

    What is your swarm plan for this season?

    From quick skim read I think that's Snelgrove's approach. It's a system that works with the bees so I'm all for it
  20. F

    Shrub Id

    Well it's no Norway Spruce....