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  1. tyke

    Roof Type

    I've got both - the gabled design is not as sturdy as the flat roof. I tend to have repair the gabled ones every 2 seasons as the parts tend to work loose. I now prefer the flat roof type. Also if you suffer from woodpeckers and want to put a protective wire cage around the hive over the...
  2. tyke

    Moving hives: hypothetical quesiton

    If it was me - sell the bees, keep the equipment. Buy new bees in Scotland that are suited to the local area. Your "southern softies" might not fare too well in the far North! Andy
  3. tyke

    Need help choosing my 1st hive

    One thing to bear in mind before you choose hive types is how much you may have to move your hive around in the apiary. Hopefully not much! A full size national hive will weigh 30kgs if it has a lot of stores and a 14 x 12 around 40kgs. Andy
  4. tyke

    Making Increase, different hive types

    Not sure reading the above what process you are going to use to get QCs. Best QCs are raised in a full strength colony. It's OK to transfer sealed QCs to a nuc. Andy
  5. tyke

    Anyone good at woodwork?

    I have made a number of stands similar to the ones that the op links to. Can't post a link to my blog site (not enough posts under my belt). If you search under and look in the techniques and plans section there are articles including plans on making up single, double and triple...