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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. F

    Hive preservatives

    Will seal the wood and not allow it to breathe. I use it on canoe kits for this reaso , it waterproofs.
  2. F

    Hive preservatives

    Cuprinol has now been removed from list of insect friendly preservatives
  3. F

    Question for those who have a 12V wire embedding transformer

    why a 12v battery? I have always found a spur embedder quite satisfactory, only needs slight heating, if any at all, any imperfections in foundation quickly rectified by bees. Small cost, mine has lasted 40 years , still going strong. Think that we are "over engineering" here, for the amateur...
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    How does she look?

    For a REAL queen how about Danielle la Rue?
  5. F

    Where did you get stung first time?

    first sting After the pain had gone did the swelling remain?
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    No comb in supers

    hived several swarms this year, natural and AS, before putting on supers whether drawn comb or foundation, fed heavily so sugar syrup was used to draw out brood foundation rather than collected nectar which becomes honey. Hoping for a reasonable crop of honey
  7. F

    Foundation less frames

    35 years ago often used starter strip of foundation for brood frame, no wiring as they didn't need to go into extractor. Always got good comb produced. bees today are even less predictable ( different strains, pesticide effects, imported queens etc ) Why does it get harder ( beekeeping of course...
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    Smoker Fuel

    Using corrugated cardboard is ok as long as it has not been treated with a fire retardent, So, soak cardboard in water to remove the chemical, dry out, cut to size for your smoker. To light easily, make a solution of potassium nitrate ( buy online since chemist will it say it is unavailable )...
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    posible hedgerow pete on watch dog??

    Living in birmingham tho' was born in Kent feel that we must stay calm and never put down to malice something that can be explained by ignorance. Educating these people is a wothwhile task even though it often falls on deaf ears. Often easier to walk away.
  10. F

    How many supers ?

    Whilst on jury service a barrister asked the same question 'how long is a piece of string'. Quik response from Judge. ' too long to throw away but too short to be of any practical use '. So, buy more than you need, it is better than having too little
  11. F

    Advice for a council tennant

    Returning to beekeeping after a 20 year break, I simply installed a hive in my garden, told no one. Result is honeybees visiting my nearby allotment, first time in 20 years. If anyone objects I can honestly say that I started keeping bees in 1976. Neighbours kids are really excited that I have a...
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    Pinching or Flicking Stings - Makes No Difference!

    Used to be a similar product called 'Waspeze'
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    Pinching or Flicking Stings - Makes No Difference!

    I find this report somewhat hard to believe. Allegedly produced by highly intelligent professionals who have undergone years of training, yet use in their report, which hopefully has been peer reviewed, as all scientific reports should be, a word which is not in the Oxford English Dictionary...
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    . From pics the guys have their tackle half pulled out, we have all been there eh? Will ask Celia Payne when I see her this week. Can you cite references to removal of male organs by house bees as I want to follow this up, it is very interesting and cannot find this mentioned despite seaching...
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    If drones left their manly bits behind after mating how could the qeen experience multiple mating?
  16. F

    Buckfast Bees

    We cannot be certain of what crosses will produce. I got my nuc from Fingringhoe Nature reserve last year and are really amenable. HOWEVER, guys were putting on supers on 4 colonies early April, I got stings on both ankles and through hat, despite walking away was 'followed' for over 400 yards...
  17. F

    Extracted my first honey

    You are selling for too little. The cost of hive, foundation, frames, extractor, and many hours of attention should command a premium price. At £4.00 a jar I am asked why it is so cheap, but I sell a lot
  18. F

    Thornes Sale Hoffman Frames

    How many years ago was the discovery of ' bee space ' made? The bees have not changed their needs since then. So long as they can pass each other on the comb they should be happy. We cannot alter their behaviour or resistance to parasites and dsease by trying to alter the conditions in which...
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    ******* (without prejudice )

    You tell me. There is no legislation that bees adhere to. When they have all died out because of disease from unwittingly eating imported honey it will be too late. A friend told me recently that he had been quite happy with the 'squeezable' honey from the supermarket. He had a jar of 2011 honey...
  20. F

    Bee suits and hoods - any consistency in attachment zips?

    A member of local association always washes hers by tucking the veil inside the suit and then zipping the suit up so the veil cannot come out. Works for her, I will try it when I eventually wash my suit.