Todays meeting showed one hive with a couple of QC's. a lot of bees, time running short so did a Dave Cushman AS
Two cells one almost sealed on one frame.
Two with brood mostly sealed with some stores.
Two frames with stores.
A fair number of flying bees and house bees.
Moved to another...
Sat watching my bees coming and going, and a Great Tit sitting on the hive which every now and again, drops to the paved area in front of the hives, picking up and eating a few bees on walkabout.
Can you fix a box/nuc over the hole with a few frames and a bee escape so they can get out the roof, but not back into it?
You might lose the queen, but get the bees and maybe unite.
Just back from a call.
Huge swarm, easy access, straight into a Nuk.
Stood watching them spiral down and start working.
Then they all streamed out again and disappeared. :(
If she is a virgin she will have to leave, and hopefully make it back, at sometime.
If you have any brood to spare, the other bees are less likely to leave.