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  1. S

    Lost and confused Queen?

    Have a look and see if she can. Before I altered mine, she would have been able to.
  2. S

    Lost and confused Queen?

    They could on mine until I stopped them.
  3. S

    First inspection

    Don't get a "Find the queen" fixation. I'd leave them alone.
  4. S

    Lost and confused Queen?

    Take off the roof and look down, you'll see what I mean.
  5. S

    First inspection

    If I see larvae I'm satisfied, smaller the better, eggs are a bonus, I rarely look for HM unless I need to.
  6. S

    Honey bees and children?

    Depends if he's 'Hands on'
  7. S

    Lost and confused Queen?

    Have you anything at the entrance to stop her entering and going up the outside of the brood box? She might have been out and missed the way in. (I put a strip of wood at the front of the BB and push the BB hard against it)
  8. S

    Two Queens - didn't think it possible until yesterday?

    Couldn't you have put the old one in a nuc with a bit of brood and a few workers? Never killed a queen yet, probably never will.
  9. S

    Two Queens - didn't think it possible until yesterday?

    Was it a supersedure cell?
  10. S

    My very first skep

    Very impressive, nice one.
  11. S

    Anything I've forgotten re this swarm

    I like to hive any swarm asap if the weather is good. Late afternoon/early evening.
  12. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Called in the allotment this morning and saw a swarm had moved into an empty hive. :)
  13. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yes, intended to leave a week or two, just a tad impatient.
  14. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Last Sunday as near as I could tell.
  15. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Weather dire all day. I'm waiting to see if my queen has hatched, mated and started laying.
  16. S

    Pros and cons of a single national brood box.

    Sounds like you too have discovered the problems with brood and a half. Any new colonies I have are going to be Double or single brood.
  17. S

    What gloves?

    Had 3 pairs from Aldi yesterday, Rubber, not to thick. £1-47p. Not tried working the bees with them yet though.
  18. S

    How common is it for newly-hived swarms to depart?

    Had two go this year, one yesterday, one last week. Both on drawn comb with stores.
  19. S

    Bees foul

    Had similar with one of mine. But sorry, no idea why. Maybe the weather.
  20. S

    Hi all - new to the forum.

    Newbies have to buy the beer.