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  1. S

    Newbee's first wasp attack

    It's a method I use, and it's very good (sorry if anyone else replied already) I make a tube about two inches long, close one end, and make the other end 2 bee spaces wide. Put it over the entrance. It will confuse the bees for a hour or so, so do it on a nice day in the morning, by lunchtime...
  2. S

    Why are workers making new queen cells when the newly-emerged queen hasn't even started laying yet?

    I've had similar, two queen cells into a nuke, few flying bees, and house bees (Dave Cushman style, checked yesterday, queen mated and laying, six new queen cells. Didn't want to risk a swarm, only a small colony, reluctantly knocked them down.
  3. S

    Bees ignoring the super.

    Thanks Finman.
  4. S

    Bees ignoring the super.

    That was my thinking too, they have stores at present.
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    Bees ignoring the super.

    I have a WBC on a double brood, lots of bees in both, A super on the top, new foundation, and just a dozen or so bees walking about, doing nothing.:banghead: Any thoughts?
  6. S

    Missed swarm calls.

  7. S

    Marking a virgin queen.

    She flew off while you were there, you walked off and closed up the hive and left. She might have used you for a navigation beacon, you left, and she could lose her way home.
  8. S

    Thanks to a brave beekeeper

    Not sure most would want to keep a case of EFB secret, at least I'd hope not.
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    Advice needed on Queenless Colony

    DLW produce smaller drones.
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    Advice needed on Queenless Colony

    ie Laid by a queen or a worker.
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    Advice needed on Queenless Colony

    Are they full size drones?
  12. S

    What's this plant?

    Its described as a miner plant, since it puts down long roots and "mines" nutrients. Don't plant any where you don't want it permanently it's difficult to remove.
  13. S

    What's this plant?

    When you infuse in water to make fertilizer, (it is good stuff) it stinks to high heaven. Make it your last job of the day.:)
  14. S

    geoffrey hopkinson obe

    Geoff is a very nice guy, patient, knowledgeable and a gentleman, you would be hard put to find a better man.
  15. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Got to the allotment at 8 O'clock this morning and a swarm was drifting across the plots. It drifted about 100 yrds and then I lost sight of it. (not one of mine) Hived a swarm I took yesterday.
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    geoffrey hopkinson obe

    He's a really nice guy. He comes to our meetings. Well done Geoff
  17. S

    ?another way to help find queen

    Is shaking a frame with queen cells on a good idea?
  18. S

    New queen flys off frame Help

    You may have been better standing there ten minutes, as a beacon for her to return to. Oliver. Agreed, she might have used you as a reference point/navigation aid. You went, she might be lost. Good luck.
  19. S

    Drone cell in super??

    Is it a dwarf or full size? Dwarf is usually a DLW, full size is the queen in the wrong box.
  20. S

    First inspection

    Our bee inspector reckons if you give the hive a sharp tap, if it is queen right, the bees will roar and then die down, if Q- it will roar and will not die down so fast.