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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. S

    How to move a frames of eggs?

    Rather surprised they allow that. They don't let you import apple pips or orange pips.
  2. S

    New allotment rules

    Well the Council has to find something for the "Jobsworths" to do.
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    Neighbour problem

    I was assuming there was no problem before the introduction of the bees.
  4. S

    Wild Flowers

    Lots of bee friendly plants can be raised, simply by collecting seed heads.
  5. S

    What are my chances of success?

    Agreed, its plain bad manners.
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    New allotment rules

    • The beekeeper to ensure that someone else on site can deal with any emergency that may occur due to the existence of the bees. Allotment owners have my number Is that enough? A phone call is not exactly "Dealing with an emergency" IMO.
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    New allotment rules

    I have no Idea what clause 6 is but if it is to try and stop you selling honey, your not selling your honey, your only selling the jar and any honey just happens to be a gift would something like this get you around the rules? With the price some charge for an empty jar, the honey does come...
  8. S

    Neighbour problem

    One of the reasons I keep bees is as a relaxing hobby. Why on this Earth would you want to feud with your neighbours. If mine ever cause a problem they would be moved without hesitation. Seems that some beekeepers have the same mindset as some cat owners.
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    I would have thought both, but there you go.
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    He might be lucky down South. Had a few Drones land on me today while I was planting spuds/tatting about/watching bees.
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    What have you learned on the forum this week

    Everybody loves a freebie.:)
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    Neighbour problem

    Indeed, some sound like they might be cat owners.
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    What have you learned on the forum this week

    Hijacked? Hardly:nopity:
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    Neighbour problem

    Plant Leylandi? Glad you're not my neighbour.
  15. S

    Neighbour problem

    2 metres for a fence, but as high as you like for those dreadful conifers?
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    What have you learned on the forum this week

    Snail mail, not arrived yet.
  17. S

    What have you learned on the forum this week

    Will if I manage to get there. Not to bad, lost a small Nuc, and one colony looks iffy. but four others seem to be doing well.
  18. S

    What have you learned on the forum this week

    Some "Chairpersons" are as bitchy as hell, and need removing from any position of authority. Hiya Winmag, AGM tomorrow?
  19. S

    Open Mesh Floors

    I might be wrong here, but unless there is somewhere for the air to flow, then there will be no air flow. ie, There is no air flow in an upturned biscuit tin with the lid off.
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    Neighbour problem

    I'd cut my loss and move to a different location.