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  1. J

    Crown board ventilation over winter

    We've been feeding fondant for a few weeks now here in Cromarty as they turned up their noses at our home made syrup [maybe it was due to the plastic milk bottles its kept in? -- we've now got ambrosia syrup from excellent local supplier near Inverness -- haven't syrupped them yet though as...
  2. J

    Honey and vitamins

    I'd say "No"
  3. J

    October swarm

    Could one reduce the "weak" BB to nuc size using alu taped xtratherm as thick as possible to leave maybe 6 frames well insulated for the winter? Easier to look after with fondant etc than a nuc [although our bee-delivery nucs only seem to be made of correx!]
  4. J

    October swarm

    Swarm in October?
  5. J

    Excess Frames of Stores

    Nobody has yet mentioned the lack of a semi-colon.
  6. J

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    That's good advice, thanks. We have apivar strips in just now, for another week or so, and will vape [per David Evans the shark] early December. Unless I'm as confused as I often am......
  7. J

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    May I ask please why are some keepers vaping when colonies are presumably with brood? We still have plenty brood "up here".
  8. J

    Old deserted hive with new swarm

    Thanks -- we might try this, the marked Q is a 2022 lady so she should be ok. Not a great layer though, but hard to criticise her with the summer we've had.
  9. J

    Old deserted hive with new swarm

    I'm wondering, twistytrees, what happened with this situation as we have a similar one here in Cromarty, and we have lots of 50mmm xtratherm insulation so could effectively make up a poly nuc withing a hive...............
  10. J

    Spraying Apple cider vinegar over honey bees -- excellent site, thank you!
  11. J

    Preparing for winter

    So maybe no honey/residue should be left out??
  12. J

    Preparing for winter

    I'd also be pretty sure they don't do that ! We've wrapped supers up, frozen them for 48 hours, boxed for the winter.....but did leave some filters/pans with residue a good 40 metres away from the hives -- near a wasp-attracting plum tree........cleaned up nicely ready for dishwasher. btw our...
  13. J

    Preparing for winter

    Our local [Dingwall] assoc had a v good talk by a bee diseases inspector a few weeks ago. Re. extracted, wet super frames, "don't leave them out and only feed back to the hive from whence they came". [I find that a shame really but makes sense re. foulbroods]
  14. J

    Asian Hornets

    As relatively new beekeepers we almost decided to cease following this useful site after some rudeness. Glad we kept going and are getting to be aware of who posts what, as it were.
  15. J

    Brood boxes with few stores

    Ahh, right, many thanks.
  16. J

    Brood boxes with few stores

    Could you please explain to nearly-newbie me what "backfilling" is? TIA
  17. J

    Cutting fondant

    Stop being rude to me and my wife! Do you think [you seem to, from some of your posts] that you know everything? And have you tried the product? We have, sense or not, and it worked for us. Other feeds seemed NOT to work. Do not impugn our sense or intelligence.
  18. J

    Cutting fondant

    We've saved a starving hive -- and the queen has reverted to laying again, thank goodness -- recently using Candipolline and all hives on which we've tried it seem to love it. They don't want syrup, will take fondant but definitely prefer candipolline. Hasn't been a great year for seeing...
  19. J

    Autumn Varroa treatment

  20. J

    Autumn Varroa treatment

    Thanks Hemo , and Sutty I do have a vaporiser somewhere, I think it's mains or maybe battery [ hives are all in garden ] and I'll take your good advice and try it again; but when is confusing, David Evans seems to suggest mid to end of August AFAIR though my memory is really pretty poor. I...