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  1. M

    How long should I leave honey to settle?

    I use greaseproof paper/baking parchment as we no longer use clingfilm. The paper is easier to manipulate. I then hang up the paper and let the honey drip into a jar we keep for ourselves.
  2. M

    First inspection and brood in super

    Hawthorn, gorse, 2 large cherry trees, dandelions and celandine. They are pretty busy right now so I think I'll leave them alone. Probably the less interference the better.
  3. M

    First inspection and brood in super

    Small amounts of brood on 2 or 3 frames in the super, maybe 2 frames in the brood box. Small colony. Virtually no stores in the brood box so I'd like to get give them some help with sugar syrup.
  4. M

    First inspection and brood in super

    Thanks for the reminder :)
  5. M

    First inspection and brood in super

    OK, thanks for that. Looks like that is the only solution. The forecast is for 12 - 13 degrees tomorrow so I'll do it then.
  6. M

    First inspection and brood in super

    Exactly! I was just thinking of moving the super frames (it's only a couple) until they've taken some sugar syrup down into the brood box, then I'd put the super back above a queen excluder. It's around 10 - 12 degrees here. If I put some fondant in the brood box are they likely to take that up...
  7. M

    First inspection and brood in super

    Did my first inspection yesterday. Very little in the way of stores so I'd like to feed with sugar syrup. However, I left a super on over winter and now there is brood on a couple of frames in the super. I don't really want to go for brood and a half. Can I move the super frames containing brood...
  8. M

    Fungicide spraying

    Thanks all for your responses. Decided to leave the hives open!
  9. M

    Fungicide spraying

    Just had a call from the farmer who has a field nextdoor. He's planning to spray the wheat with a fungicide (pyraclostrobin) at around 9:00 tomorrow. Should I close up the hives tonight? If so, how long after spraying should I let them out? Can't find much advice about this online.
  10. M

    Is burying wax alternative to incinerator?

    I use a solar wax melter on the 2 days a year when it's hot enough in Wales! Just a polystyrene box, alumininium tray and old window I picked up at the tip. The cocoons that are left make brilliant fire lighters.
  11. M

    Honey jars

    Have you tried Wynne Jones here in North Wales. They give a discount for the local association, not sure about BBKA C. Wynne Jones | Beekeeping Supplies UK | Bottles and Jars