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  1. Norfolk

    Paint and poly

    I'm wondering what folks use to "Brand" their Poly Hives. I'm thinking that there must be a solution of some kind that can be painted on the inside that doesn't eat the whole hive.
  2. Norfolk

    weight of a poly hive?

    Have you tried Paynes themselves ?
  3. Norfolk

    Is it worth painting hives different colours?

    I agree, if they have a board they can use it or not, their choice.
  4. Norfolk

    Is it worth painting hives different colours?

    How about these from Slovenia
  5. Norfolk

    Is it worth painting hives different colours?

    Ah the Hivejazzle :-)
  6. Norfolk

    Is it worth painting hives different colours?

    I painted a hive in camo once. Trouble is, I can't find it now.
  7. Norfolk

    Is it worth painting hives different colours?

    As I uploaded it I thought I'd get some stick. :cool:
  8. Norfolk

    Is it worth painting hives different colours?

    Here is one I prepared earlier.
  9. Norfolk

    poly hives on sale

    This is odd, as I rang them about a month ago to be told that they wouldn't be including Poly hives in the sale. Wonder why they changed their minds, although maybe the lady I spoke to was simply wrong. Ah well.
  10. Norfolk

    Is it worth painting hives different colours?

    My understanding is that it does. I also paint a symbol (circle or square) on the front of mine in a different colour. In fact the symbol is painted on the circle or square in a contrasting colour.
  11. Norfolk

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I have been making frames this afternoon. Great fun :rolleyes: This evening I'm planing a session with the tweezers to see if I can get all the splinters out of my fingers.
  12. Norfolk

    RIP Nelson Mandela

  13. Norfolk


    I'm not sure we will ever find out on this forum tbh.
  14. Norfolk


    I wonder how many new members are put off by these kind of posts.
  15. Norfolk

    Dartington LD Hive

    Good ideas. Honest feedback is always good, thanks.
  16. Norfolk

    Dartington LD Hive

    No misprint !! Nice if you can get it eh.
  17. Norfolk


    Figures I guess. It's probably about the same as the difference between a box or a bag of Maltesers.
  18. Norfolk

    Dartington LD Hive

    Now on auction for £150 Number 331088585012
  19. Norfolk


  20. Norfolk


    I wonder how the folks with Poly hives get on with woodpeckers ?