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  1. S

    Proposition - BKF 2011 Meet

    I'm in, I'll even venture north of Exeter. Be great to put a face to names. .:cheers2:
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    Should I take super off

    Hi RAB, Was talking about late April (17th onwards) as spring and wondering about how to revert to a single brood box then. Seems some forum members and Ted Hopper think brood and half is messy. SKB
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    Should I take super off

    I am in same situation with bees on brood and a half although have spied bees in the super through hole in crown board. Left QE's off in autumn. Am I now stuck with brood and a half or can I take super off later in spring? Did I read last year that some beeks swap the super and brood box over...
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    Spring Holiday

    Sounds messy! Thanks for your reply. Loving your posts.
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    Spring Holiday

    Actually they were all swarms, one a tiny one from the previous August (2009, 2 frames of bees) Everyone said just unite with another colony but I was a reckless newbeek and decided to give them a chance in a nuc box and they came through last winter(2009/10) and became my best colony last...
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    Taking in pollen

    Lovely yellow pollen in South Devon. It's just lovely seeing them out enjoying the sun.:seeya:
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    Spring Holiday

    Last year was first year and kept them just single brood. Might be able to get someone to check for me, when would be best? And are they checking mainly for space and swarming? Thanks dr
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    Spring Holiday

    Hi all, would be grateful for advice. I am going away from March 4th till April 18th and wondering how to prepare my hives. Currently three colonies, active and bringing in pollen. On National hives, single broodbox and super on top (slight new beek mix up in autumn then didn't want to...
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    Foundation Club?

    I am in Devon and keen to join in the South West buyers. 50 super and 50 brood foundation along with frames if they are available. I'm just South of Exeter. Great to make contact. :party:
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    Queen cells

    Great advice I will be checking tomorrow to see if the queen cells are smooth. Such interesting replies, what an amazing resource of knowledge on this forum.
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    Queen cells

    John thanks so much. I will let you know how I get on. It was just a spur of the moment decision to post on this forum but I am so pleased I did. Guess I won't know if I have a new queen for a while anyway but I'll inspect again in a few days and also look to see if the queen cells are smooth...
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    Queen cells

    No problem at all. Actually not much capped brood at all but some larvae and eggs just not many at all and not laid in the centre of the frame (like I normally see in a brood frame) but over to one side. Which is why I though she might be injured or poorly and that is why they might be trying...
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    Queen cells

    Thanks so much for replying. I took the excluder out about four weeks ago and she hasn't gone down yet. In fact the brood chamber is scarily empty of anything including stores.
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    Queen cells

    That is so kind. I am in Totnes, I would really appreciate someone to come and have a look.
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    Queen cells

    good question, hadn't thought of that. Had plenty of space in the brood box below. But maybe lack of space up in supers is what's kept the laying rate down. Perhaps I need to reorganise boxes in first instance and put supers below brood box? Thanks so much for help.
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    Queen cells

    Thanks for this. National hive, seems to be lots of bees to my inexperienced eyes. Two supers full of bees with some in brood chamber. Two other queen right colonies, South Devon. Thinking any virgin queen probably won't mate successfully so re-queening an option. Think my mistake queen...
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    Queen cells

    I have a strong colony with lots of bees but have a queen problem. Just a few eggs and larvae in the last few inspections but found three good sized sealed queen cells two days ago. Think if there is a queen she is injured (not much brood and hasn't been much for a while). Thought it was...