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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. the beehive lodge

    smoker treatment

    what did that help with:cheers2:
  2. the beehive lodge


  3. the beehive lodge

    smoker treatment

    whilst using my smoker the other day my thought turned to is there any treatment that can be put in your smoker as it is being used now i haven't done this nor am i going to but has anyone put any herbal matter into there smoker. Could be the answer to the Varroa problem or even any other...
  4. the beehive lodge

    Capped Q cells

    bees will always amaze me no matter when you think you start to understand them Cheers tonyblokebee-smillie
  5. the beehive lodge

    Capped Q cells

    would workers who have capped Q cells always tented a grub and fed with royal jelly OR would they build and cap for the hell of it as ive opened one to day 21 days later to find nothing in there :beatdeadhorse5::banghead:
  6. the beehive lodge

    Can you tell me what an eke is?

    some time you need to feed bees with a sugar syrup if you have bees in the brood box you would use a crown board like a lid on top of the brood it has a hole which you can put an up turned jar over it and then by using a super box then the roof it gives the jar enough room to keep the jar safe i...
  7. the beehive lodge

    virgin Queen

    i would never of thought of that i will swap them round yes it was a double brood box still on the same sight thanks my signature says it all:seeya:
  8. the beehive lodge

    virgin Queen

    when does the Virgin Queen go past her prime to mate, the bad weather we are having in Manchester is causing me concern found sealed Queen cells so split my colony into 4 nucs with a frame with Q cell brood food and pollen no sign of 2011 Q keeping finger cross for a good out come :beatdeadhorse5:
  9. the beehive lodge

    Queen above excluder !

    Could it be the Q was slimmed down to swarm that why she has got through EQ put them on a brood and the super = brood and a half save the worry:rolleyes:
  10. the beehive lodge

    your thoughts please about frames with honey

    just been out and removed them into a safe place my signature says it all :cheers2:
  11. the beehive lodge

    your thoughts please about frames with honey

    Cheers drstitson sometimes i can't see the wood from the trees. i like this beekeeping forum thanks for your input
  12. the beehive lodge

    your thoughts please about frames with honey

    OK here we go i have a few frames with capped honey and pollen in them so i've put them in a spare brood box 20 feet away so my bees have found them and is flying back and forth taking it back to there hive due to the bad weather rain spells and windy gust we have had lately my way of thinking...
  13. the beehive lodge

    Balling the Queen

    just wondering if other bee-keeper's have experienced this first hand and what was the out come why is this done and could it be us the keeper's causing (this strange) thing to happen. :grouphug: thanks in advance :cheers2:
  14. the beehive lodge

    A swarm has just adopted us and we need a mentor

    Hello I live in Manchester is this a live in mentor you need i would love to get out of here not worthy get reading there is a lot of good books if the bees have set up in their new temp home they must like it till you can get this together dont rush into it they will be happy there till you...
  15. the beehive lodge

    Black bees (not solitary) burrowing in lawn??

    post the the photo so we can see what you can see hello by the way
  16. the beehive lodge


    just been looking on youtube at bee related items been mesmerized at the work of the other beekeeping skills type in the search bar of youtube and check them out :lurk5:
  17. the beehive lodge

    What are my bees feeding on?

    Deep in the heart of Manchester bees are very busy flying good site to see, Or is it could the Queen be laying a higher number of young to compensate the bees foraging bee-smillie
  18. the beehive lodge

    Bees and cats?

    i have three cats one loves to sleep on top of the hive if it is sunny and ive even see her on top in the cold mornings keeping warm from the heat that the bees produce :)
  19. the beehive lodge

    Slugs and any other unwanted pests in and around the hive

    Why copper do they not like it, and if so why not i will try tomorrow i was thinking of some salt round the legs good or bad let me know