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  1. M

    one hive busy two hives quiet

    thanks everyone theres plenty of stores and they have been treated and they don't seem to be taken over by wasps, wasn't planning on opening the hive again till next year but I guess ill have a look to try and put my mind at risk, hopefully as beeno says there on a different brood cycle
  2. M

    one hive busy two hives quiet

    hi all, the last few days that I have checked my three hives ive noticed that one hive has bees bringing in loads of pollen and the other two are doing nothing at all just the odd bee coming and going, would there be anything wrong with the two hives, the last time I gave a proper inspection of...
  3. M

    making my own hives

    thanks everyone for the advice and thanks redwood for the plans, I think ill give it a go something to do during the winter.
  4. M

    making my own hives

    how are things, im thinking of making my own hives does anyone on here make there own, would ye safe much money making your own and what is the best timber or most popular timber that is used.
  5. M

    making your own wax foundation

    hi there, anyone ever tried doing this, with the price of wax foundation being high I was thinking of making my own but don't know how, can anyone advise me what equipment I need and how it can be done, thanks
  6. M

    extracting honey

    thanks for the advice finman but the next extractor I buy will be the last so looking for the right one,
  7. M

    extracting honey

    Thanks 4 the replys everyone im thinking of increasing number of hives in the coming years allright, so i want a good extractor to last a life time i be willing to pay top price for the right one, so just looking for advice on which extractor is best with national frames thanks
  8. M

    extracting honey

    thanks russel
  9. M

    extracting honey

    just finished extracting honey very messy I have to say, im thinking of getting a better extracter for next year the one I have was the cheapest around, anyone have any recommendations thinking of getting one with a motor whats the best value and suits national frames.
  10. M

    winter preparation

    thanks for the replys everyone think ill go with leaving the floor open and insulating the roof cheers
  11. M

    winter preparation

    hi everyone, now that everyone is taking the excess honey off and starting to treat there hives what do the seasoned beekeepers on this site do next. im wondering should I close the open mesh floor and insulate the rest of the hive or do I keep the floor open and leave the hive as it is, or do I...
  12. M

    loads of pollen but no nectar

    to the experienced beekeepers out there, the last few times i checked my hives I noticed the bees seem to be mainly bringing in pollen, why is this I would of taught they be bringing in more nectar to store up for the winter?
  13. M

    storing honey

    hi everyone, im going extracting honey from my hives in a couple of weeks, the problem is I don't need the honey till next February, and im wondering whats the best way to store it as I don't want it to crystalize.
  14. M

    storing honey

  15. M

    Who has the biggest hive

    This tread is just 4 a bit of fun, with the good summer so far the bees are triving, who has the largest hive around, my biggest is one deep 4 suppers tall i hope for my own ego that its above average
  16. M

    What are you bees foraging for?

    hi sanctuary I think it depends on the time of the year, in late spring early summer when there mostly concentrating on rearing loads of brood they be bringing in more pollen then nectar, from late june onwards there thinking about there winter stores so they be bringing in more nectar than pollen.
  17. M

    marking and clipping a queen

    thanks for the reply everyone some nice videos don't think ill find it as handy as that though
  18. M

    wheres the eggs gone

    thanks everyone ill take a frame of eggs and larva from my other hive tomorrow and put it in and see what happens
  19. M

    marking and clipping a queen

    I did not much comes up
  20. M

    marking and clipping a queen

    does anyone know of a good video on youtube which shows a queen being marked and clipped thanks