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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. harveyzone

    Garden Bee Shots

    Excellent - especially loving the first one. :)
  2. harveyzone

    welcome and Goodluck to the lady in tho rnes today

    I got the impression from the first post that it was a customer and not a member of staff that they are talking about. If it is a member of staff we have probably frightened them off by now :D
  3. harveyzone

    CO-OP Free seeds

    It's all over now. It was discussed some weeks ago here.
  4. harveyzone

    It is May 25th

    And, to be fair, it isn't actually late until tomorrow. :)
  5. harveyzone Summer Forecast 2011 "Shades of 1976"

    I can remember a genuine news story some years ago that pronounced shock and disgust that nearly 50% of our school children were below average at maths. :)
  6. harveyzone Summer Forecast 2011 "Shades of 1976"

    I think they were right. It seemed about spot on for most BBQs that I've arranged. :(
  7. harveyzone

    Latex gloves

    I think people write them - the system censors them automatically.
  8. Tom's Photos

    Tom's Photos

    Miscellaneous photos from the House of Harvey
  9. harveyzone

    bee suits!in the shed or in the house?

    Best to wear a dust mask when you are wearing it too.
  10. harveyzone

    cheap solar wax melter

    The image wasn't there for me either, but I went and viewed the source page here, and now the image shows. Strange.
  11. harveyzone


    Perhaps to stop them from 'gluing' the roof to the top super.
  12. harveyzone

    How long queen excluder on swarm nuc?

    In a cast swarm?
  13. harveyzone

    Making dummy frame?

    I just used an existing unused top bar and nailed a rectangle of ply to it.
  14. harveyzone


    Well it is not (yet) listed on Beebase.
  15. harveyzone


    Because he was worried about fire in the sky? :)
  16. harveyzone


    Found it...
  17. harveyzone


    There is a (google based) map somewhere listing suppliers, but I cannot find the link. Perhaps someone can oblige.
  18. harveyzone


    Just google "eurobees". It is the first one on the list if I am not mistaken. Not really worth the effort in my opinion, but perhaps it will grow.
  19. harveyzone

    storing good information for future use..

    How about "Subscribe to this Thread" under "Thread Tools" on each thread. They then appear in you CP under "Subscribed Threads". Never used it myself, but you can create seperate folders for different subjects if you want to organise them. You can also get it to E-Mail you if more posts are made...
  20. harveyzone

    Under Lock and Key

    I think that is the wrong way round. If you are trying to sell or endorse a product then you SHOULDN'T post a link. If you are answering a post about a product and not promoting it then it is surely in th rules. The rules state: